A Message from Shirley North Safer Neighbourhood Team

Those of you who are staying at home and only leaving for occasional, ESSENTIAL trips out to care for those who need it, to go to the supermarket, and for key workers to go to work – well done and thank you. Think of it as being ‘safe at home’ rather than ‘stuck at home’.

HOWEVER there are still far too many people out and about when the country is supposed to be in lockdown.

Those spoken to who are not out for essential reasons can be given a £60 fine by police.

Please, please, please consider whether you really need to leave the house and only do so for the ESSENTIAL reasons specified by the government.

We all have a part to play in preventing the spread of Covid19.

Stay at home, Protect the NHS and Save lives.

We are now on Nextdoor and plan to use this for regular updates to ward members so please follow our page if you are already on Nextdoor or create an account I believe the following link should take you to our page and select Shirley North (we are still getting to grips with Nextdoor):


There will not be any ward panel meetings for the foreseeable future so feel free to contact us via email or Nextdoor.

Report crime by calling 101 or in an emergency call 999.
Remember, you can also report crime online on our website: https://www.met.police.uk/


Become an NHS Volunteer Responder
Download the Covid-19 Symptom Tracker App