Planning Report – September 2023

To find out the latest news on what is being planned in your local area, check out our latest Planning Report with up-to-date information on Planning Applications including developments in:

  • Addiscombe Road
  • The Glade
  • Gladeside
  • Orchard Avenue
  • Orchard Rise
  • Shirley Road
  • Tower View
  • Wickham Road
  • Woodmere Avenue and Woodmere Gardens.

Also, take a look at the MORA Planning App, which gives you an easy way to track all the current and recent planning applications within the MORA area. It’s simple to use and free for you to access.

Power for People – A £10 Million Victory!

In response to the huge public and Parliamentary support for our campaign for more community renewable energy, the Government have just announced a new £10 million Community Energy Fund for England.

This is a very big success indeed. It is the first substantial action from Government to help community energy in over six years. The fund is intended to see many more community-run renewable generation schemes get off the ground.

Our collective efforts have turned things around and this is definitely a cause for celebration. My thanks to you for helping to make this wonderful success happen.

To recap, our campaign has brought the majority of the House of Commons – 325 MPs, including 128 Conservatives – on board in support of the Local Electricity Bill, which would enable community energy schemes to sell their power to local people.

We then used this support to see the Government’s Energy Bill amended in the spring, introducing two new clauses that were worded the same as the Local Electricity Bill. But the Government opposed these clauses and so intended to remove them. However, this risked them losing a House of Commons vote because of the remarkable amount of MP and public support we had gathered.

This led to Andrew Bowie promising Parliament in June that the Government would bring forward an alternative proposal to enable growth in community energy. He has kept his word.

Whilst we must call on our elected representatives and the Government to do much more to help stop the climate crisis and save the natural world, it is equally important to thank them fully and sincerely when they do take significant action that will help.

We are making plans on how to progress from here. Whilst the fund is very welcome, there is much that could still be done to see more community renewable energy across the UK.

Bromley Council’s Treemendous Tree Watering

We want you to be aware that following the planting of almost 1600 street trees earlier this year, Bromley Council’s Treemendous initiative is continuing with these newly planted trees now being watered each week.

If you are able to support this work by also watering newly planted trees that may be near you, that would be really appreciated. This will help ensure that these trees will properly establish and grow to maturity and thank you for support with this. Information about tree watering can be found on the Bromely Council’s website.

Bromley council’s tree-watering programme aims to help new trees get established and grow successfully. Thank you to Tree Friend residents who are supplementing this with additional watering, especially in the summer months, to ensure they flourish in the early stages of their life.

Watering a new young tree

The video above shows how to successfully water a new young tree.

If you plan on watering a nearby tree, please ensure you follow the correct method when doing so.

Only carry enough water at one time that you are physically fit enough to carry, and no more than 10 litres if you are a woman or 15 litres if you are a man.


With all our new and existing trees, regular watering is really helpful, especially now, during warmer weather summer months. As part of this, our contractor waters each newly planted tree with 50 litres (11 gallons) of water per week over the summer months, helping ensure they are kept in the best health possible.

You may not be aware, but you do not necessarily need to use fresh water to water the trees. Wastewater left over from washing, rinsing, or showering is safe for the trees, as well as rainwater collected in water butts. However, we do advise you not to use water that may contain harsh chemicals such as bleach.

When watering a newly planted tree, please use the green filling bag. Place the water in the small opening at the top of the bag, rather than the central opening around the trunk of the tree. These bags ensure that a steady, slow stream of water is fed to the tree base, maximising water usage and tree health. Please familiarise yourself with the health and safety information relevant to watering activity.

Tree Friends are also being invited to suggest where new trees could be planted In the 2022 planting season, 231 of the 1250 new trees planted in the borough were sourced directly from resident requests.

If you know anyone who would like to support our trees, please do encourage them to become a Tree Friend. As Tree Friends, you work diligently with the Council to help support us in our goals for a greener borough. Please ask them to sign up here to become a Tree Friend, where they can also report issues with trees and find out more about how to water our trees.

Once again, we would like to thank you for your continued support in looking after Bromley’s new and existing trees. If you would like to find out more, please visit

Exhibition – Croydon from the palette of Evacustes Phipson

1st Aug – 29th Sep 2023 – Clocktower Atrium

Croydon Natural History & Scientific Society in conjunction with Museum of Croydon presents an exhibition of pictures of the works of the artist Evacustes Phipson who made watercolour sketches of buildings in Croydon from 1893 to c.1928.

Phipson’s paintings are of importance for showing buildings early in the twentieth century when Croydon was undergoing considerable change. Due to his particular interest in ancient architecture many show buildings not captured in surviving photographs of the period, and while many have been lost some remain, often hidden in our townscape.

Evacustes Phipson was an unusual character and his life story is as interesting as his paintings. As far as is known, the Croydon collection of the works of this almost unknown, itinerant artist is among the largest, if not the biggest in the world.

If you are interested in seeing the area in and around Croydon as it used to be, then a visit to the exhibition of paintings by Edward Arthur Evacustes Phipson is a must and recommended by one of our Committee!

This free exhibition will be on show in Croydon Clocktower during August and September 2023.

A talk on Phipson and his paintings will be given and we plan to give guided tours of the exhibition as well and are looking to provide short, walking tours of Croydon town centre showing the locations of some of the paintings in the historic centre of Croydon.


Saturday 26 August – 2.30 pm
Croydon Central Library. Level 1, Croydon Clocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon CR9 1ET

Walks and Talks

Saturday 19 August – 2.30pm
Meeting point: top of the Clocktower steps (Croydon Clocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon CR9 1ET) This walk may divide at Cranmer Road with those interested venturing up Hill Terrace (formerly Dark Hill) and along Duppas Hill Terrace rejoining the track of those who walk along Old Town at Pump Pail via Duppas Hill Lane and returning to Katharine Street via High Street and Park Lane.

Find out more at the CultureCroydon website.