ULEZ Expansion – Scrappage Scheme Information

The £110 million fund has been designed to support Londoners on certain lower incomes, disabled Londoners, London-based charities, sole traders and business with 10 or fewer employees prepare for the expansion of Ultra Low Emission Zone London-wide on 29 August this year. Successful applicants will receive funding to scrap or retrofit their old, polluting vehicle.

To accompany the scrappage scheme, the Mayor and TfL are also announcing a range of ULEZ support offers from businesses for all Londoners, including additional exclusive offers for successful applicants of the scrappage scheme. This will enable Londoners to benefit from discounts and promotions on subscriptions, rentals and purchases of bicycles, e-bikes, cargo bikes, cars and vans.

It follows the Mayor’s decision to expand the ULEZ London-wide from August. Already around 85 per cent of vehicles seen driving in outer London meet the standards, meaning the majority of drivers will not need to pay. The new scrappage scheme and grace periods will help drivers of the remaining non-compliant vehicles prepare.

Londoners receiving certain means-tested benefits and non-means-tested disability benefits can apply for cash grants of up to £2,000 to scrap their non-compliant cars or motorcycles. As a new feature, successful applicants can also choose to receive a higher value package comprised of up to two free annual bus and tram passes and a lower cash grant.

Disabled people who want to scrap or retrofit a non-compliant wheelchair accessible vehicle will be able to apply for grants of £5,000 to reflect the higher cost of these vehicles. Disabled people can also apply for a nominated driver if they do not drive themselves. The nominated driver does not need to live at the same address as the applicant.

Charities, sole traders and business with 10 or fewer employees registered in London can apply to scrap a van (£5,000 grant) or a minibus (£7,000 grant), retrofit certain vans or minibuses (£5,000 grant) or scrap and replace a van or minibus with a fully electric vehicle (£7,500 or £9,500 grant respectively).

In addition to the scrappage scheme, further support will be provided for disabled people, through new and extended grace periods. The two new grace periods provide exemptions until October 2027 for recipients of certain disability benefits (or their nominated driver) and for all wheelchair accessible vehicles and some vehicles with other adaptations. The grace periods are available to all eligible people regardless of whether they live in London, and they will apply to the current ULEZ zone as well once approved.

The new disabled benefits grace period means that anyone who receives benefits that automatically make them eligible for a blue badge will also qualify for the new grace period. More Londoners currently claim benefits that would make them eligible for this grace period than currently hold a blue badge.

For further information, click here.

MHA Communities – Befriending Service

Our telephone, online and face-to-face befriending services for older people across Croydon, helps tackle feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Befriending is exactly what it sounds like – getting people together to make friends. Register your interest with us to receive a call back from our MHA Communities South London Manager about the support and companionship our volunteer befrienders can provide.

We are currently able to offer telephone befriending in all areas of mainland UK. Face-to-face befriending can be available in areas in South London. Many older people living in their own homes can become isolated and lonely, but with a regular weekly visit or telephone call, MHA Communities South London can help prevent this from happening.

Our trained volunteer befrienders are matched with MHA Communities members based on their interests and personalities.

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Join our service as a volunteer befriender. 1 weekly hour of your time can change someone’s life! Contact our team to become a volunteer befriender.

MHA Communities South London at the Wilderness, 17 Shirley Church Road, Croydon CR9 5AL
Phone: 07597135220Email: southlondon@mha.org.uk