Trust Mark – – 0333 555 1234
Buy With Confidence – – 01392 383 430
Which? Trusted Traders – – 0117 405 4689
Category: Alerts
Trading Standards Alert – Cold Callers in Shirley
Trust Mark – – 0333 555 1234
Buy With Confidence – – 01392 383 430
Which? Trusted Traders – – 0117 405 4689
For further information please see the Croydon Trading Standards link below:
Trading Standards Alert – Rise in Bogus Whatsapp & Text Messages
Trading Standards Fraud Alert – UPS Scam
Register My Appliance Week
To mark Register My Appliance Week Croydon Council trading standards are urging residents to register their appliances in case of urgent recall or safety repair.
While the recent increase in online purchasing (reportedly soaring as high as 70%) and the advent of smart appliances will all help to improve traceability, government estimates are that we are now running more than 212 million essential appliances to cook, wash clothes and dishes, clean floors and store our food. Official research has also found that 49% of us have never registered a product, potentially leaving some 100 million large and mid-sized older machines untraceable.
We’re encouraging people to make their homes safer by registering their appliances. As we all aim to keep our appliances running efficiently for many years, maintenance and registration of machines becomes increasingly important.
Registration can be completed easily and it doesn’t matter if your item is new or old – many brands allow you to register these too. You’ll need the brand of the appliance, the model, a serial number and the approximate date of purchase. The site for registration is: