Shirley North Safer Neighbourhood Team Update – January 2022

The Shirley North Safer Neighbourhood Team has an update with the latest crime figures for Shirley North and Shirley South.

The table below is a breakdown of the recorded crimes in Shirley North dating from 5th Jan – 18th Jan.

The chart below is a breakdown of crimes from the previous year in Shirley North.

In comparison, the chart below is a breakdown of crimes from the previous year in Shirley South.

Report crime by calling 101 or in an emergency call 999.
Remember, you can also report crime online on our website:


Croydon Trading Standards – Rogue Locksmiths Alert

Please be aware that Croydon and boroughs across London have seen a marked increase in reports of emergency locksmiths charging excessive fees. This has also been acknowledged as a national problem.

Often when locked out the first thing people do is to Google a locksmith and in panic contact the one at the top of the search list. Unfortunately there are criminals who are preying on people at their most vulnerable moment and they pay for their adverts to be seen first, often hooking people in with seemingly low prices – however these are never what is actually charged.

These traders are criminals, and having completed what is often a relatively quick job, they then charge the victim an excessive amount, way over what was first quoted, effectively holding the keys to the new lock to ransom until it is paid.

They bring a mobile payment device with them and people feel intimidated into paying, sometimes up to £300-400 for 10 minutes work and a substandard lock. In some cases they have also caused damage to property as some are not skilled or trained to do the work.

Try to ensure the companies or traders are legitimate by finding a locksmith registered with the Master Locksmith Association. Please head to their website for further information: – use the search feature to find a local registered locksmith – visit this page for tips on how to avoid a rogue locksmith.

This ‘how to spot a rogue locksmith’ article lists the Red Flags to be aware of when looking for an emergency locksmith and will help you identify a potential rogue locksmith.

Please remember to report to Action Fraud 0300 123 2040 if you have actually been the victim of a scam or call Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline 0808 223 1133 if you require advice on an issue you are having with a trader or wish to report a trader.