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Category: Alerts
Safer Neighbourhood Team Newsletter
For the latest information updates from our local Safer Neighbourhood Team, click here to take a look at their latest Newsletter:
With an introduction by the new Inspector for Croydon SNT South, there is information on local drugs arrests, weapons seizures, anti-social behaviour issues and how the Safer Neighbourhood Teams have dealt with the gradual lifting of lockdown measures.
Report crime by calling 101 or in an emergency call 999.
Remember, you can also report crime online on our website:
Croydon Trading Standards Alert – Bogus Community Nurses
Shirley North Safer Neighbourhood Team Ward Panel Meeting Update
We are looking to hold our next panel meetings on August 11th 2021, and on 24th November 2021. We hope by then we will be able to have face to face meetings however with the current guidelines we cannot say for certain.
Our priorities for our ward are:
1. Violence related anti-social behaviour
– We are seeing an increase in anti-social behaviour from school children, this is then leading to inter school fighting between the children. So far we have made the schools, schools team officers and other local units aware. We are working with each of them to try and resolve these issues
2. Shoplifting
– We are also seeing an increase in shoplifting, this issue is mostly contained to where the bus stops coincide with local shops. From the information we have already gathered we believe that it is mostly school children causing these issues which again we are working with the schools to alleviate.
3. Motor-vehicle crime
– There has been a rise in motor-vehicle crime. There is an ongoing operation at the moment to try and prevent the catalytic converter thefts which resulted in a 45% decrease in the thefts. As a Neighbourhood Team we have been adjusting our patrol times to try and deter any opportunists.
We have listened to the requests made of us for our next meeting and we are aiming to bring you some improvements in our next ward meeting:
1. Statistics
– We will try to bring you the statistics relating to the results of the crimes reported, and we will look to bring together the statistics for the quarter however please understand that sometimes data protection laws will prevent us from being able to share these with you. We will look to collate the data to bring you comparisons between our ward and the rest of Croydon borough.
2. Strategy for preventing crime
– Knowing about the issues on the ward is half of our battle. Without the knowledge that you, the local residents can bring to us we are not able to formulate plans to tackle the issues facing our ward.
If you have any more requests for us to look in to please let us know.
Mail to: Addington Police Station, Addington Village Road, Croydon, CR0 5AQ
Email to:
Report crime by calling 101 or in an emergency call 999.
Remember, you can also report crime online on our website:
Community Alert – Bogus Police Officer Warning
If you have been a victim of this type of crime call police on 101.