Category: Alerts
Shirley North Safer Neighbourhood Team Update – March 2021
There has been a lot of changes to teams and the police station recently. We hope everyone is well and continue to keep safe.
We are starting off this little update with good news! Crimes in Shirley North have gone down! The first graph below shows the total number of offences (TNO) from the last year. If you look you will be able to see from the beginning of 2021 to now we can see a decrease in offences.
Thefts from motor vehicles have been a recent problem in our ward, especially catalytic converters being popular. The graph of Offences for Theft from a Motor Vehicle shows that reports each month have stayed the same since December. Now that we have a dedicated team for this type of crime and police presence we are hoping this number will lessen.
In light of recent events which I am sure you are all aware of, Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNT’s) have been asked to send out a few questions to residents and any feedback is very much appreciated. The questions are below:
- What are your sentiments towards the Metropolitan Police Service, after the events of the last couple of weeks?
- How much confidence do you have in the Metropolitan Police Service, after the events of the last couple of weeks?
Please send your feedback to us at
Thank you in advance for your swift response to this.
Report crime by calling 101 or in an emergency call 999.
Remember, you can also report crime online on our website:
Royal Mail Scam Alert
Royal Mail has warned people about fake text and email scams currently doing the rounds.
Scam texts and emails are being sent targeting people’s bank accounts.
The messages ask customers to give up their personal and bank information by telling them they’ll otherwise fail to have their parcel delivered.
One of the scams is circulating by text and email, which tell people to make payments to make sure their parcels can get delivered.
It links to a fake Royal Mail website to trick people into giving their details.
Protect your information
Never send sensitive, personal information, security details or credit card numbers by email
Never click on a link in an email or text if you are unsure about it, especially if it asks for personal financial information, this might attempt to install malware on to your computer
Make sure you have a spam filter on your email account
If you have been a victim of fraud please report to Action Fraud 0300 123 2040 or Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline 0808 223 1133.
Trading Standards – Bogus Trading Standards Officer
Shirley North Safer Neighbourhood Team Update
We hope everyone is keeping safe.
Starting on a positive, whist on patrol the last week it has been nice to see so many people out (socially distancing of course) enjoying the snow. A little bit of snow has lifted a lot of spirits during this lockdown!
Catalytic converter thefts have been on the rise throughout Croydon, and Shirley North has been hit a few occasions over the last 2 months. Like burglaries, CCTV and outdoor lights have proven to be helpful as a deterrent, if you don’t have them already it is a good idea to look into these to help protect your homes and cars.
We are receiving reports that work is being offered to the vulnerable that live alone. This work is paid for by the homeowner and the work is not being carried out.
Please be aware of anyone that comes to your door and offers to do work in or outside your home. Always look at ‘check a trade’ to ensure these people are legitimate before accepting or paying for any work on your property.
Reports are being made to us and neighbour team Addiscombe East regarding a male door knocking trying to sell meat or other groceries at a low price. Please be aware of this and not accept any goods that are offered to you! This is becoming a regular thing on our ward so if anyone has any information please don’t be afraid to contact us through our email:
Just a little update on what has been happening elsewhere… Over the last few weeks we have assisted sister team Shirley South to execute a number of warrants around the Shrublands area. These have ended in positive results for class B drugs and weapons.
Stay safe and keep well, and hopefully things will go back to normal soon.
Report crime by calling 101 or in an emergency call 999.
Remember, you can also report crime online on the website: