Category: Alerts
Catalytic Converter Theft Alert
Trading Standards – Bad Weather for Roofing Scams
Trading Standards – Fake Fines for Drivers
Meet Your Local Police Officers
The Shirley North ward panel meeting will be held on Friday 3rd January 2020 at 7pm.
The ward panel meeting is open to residents, resident associations, local businesses and any individuals within the Shirley North ward.
All are welcome to attend and speak with local officers in regard to any crime related issues within the local area.
New PC to the team Miriam Chapman-Rosenfeld and new PCSO to the team Skye Shannon are looking forward to their first ward panel meeting.
The meeting will be held at Shirley Parish Hall, 81 Wickham Road.
If you have been a victim of crime and wish to report it please call 101. Crimes can also be reported online on 0800 555 111.
In case of an emergency call 999.
Remember, you can also report crime online on our website: