Shirley Scarecrow Festival

The Shirley Scarecrow Festival is a fun event all can take part in. The theme is TV Shows. See if you can guess which shows and TV characters you can spot on your walk.

If you’d like to just enjoy the scenes rather than participate then please feel free to donate on the just giving page. All monies go to Demelza Hospice Care for Children.

Click here to view a list of where the scarecrows are located.

Have fun on the trail and take lots of pictures!


Shirley Jumble Trail 2020

This coming Sunday, August 2nd, over 70 houses in and around Shirley will be hosting stalls in their front gardens on the first ever Shirley Jumble Trail.

Items on sale will be very varied and include clothes, toys and games, bags, books, bric a brac, plants etc

Some houses are supporting charities like Demelza Childrens’ Hospice or local Spring Park Girlguiding – others are raising money for themselves.

All are welcome to wander around between 10am and 3pm to see what bargains they can find – and they could view the Shirley Way Bears at the same time.

To find out where the stalls will be click here.

The trail is the idea of local residents Sandra Pound and Natalie La who floated it on the local Facebook Shirley Residents group page and were amazed at the response.

Many thanks for your help!

Biggin Hill Memorial Museum Reopens and Commemorates the 80th Anniversary of The Battle of Britain

2020 marks the 80th Anniversary of The Battle of Britain.

The Battle of Britain was a major air campaign fought over southern England in the summer and autumn of 1940. After the evacuation of the British Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk and the Fall of France, Germany planned to gain air supremacy in preparation for an invasion of Great Britain.

The pilots of RAF Fighter Command – made up of men from all over the Commonwealth and occupied Europe – were supported by a vast network on the ground, including mechanics, radar operators and factory workers, amongst many more.

Ultimately, the Luftwaffe was defeated by Fighter Command, forcing Hitler to abandon his invasion plans.

At Biggin Hill Memorial Museum we tell the story of Britain’s most famous fighter station through the personal experiences of those who served there, and the community that supported them.

The museum is situated on the same site as St George’s RAF Chapel of Remembrance, built in 1951 to preserve the legacy of those who served and died at Biggin Hill during the Second World War. The museum safeguards the future of this important building. Visit the website to discover more.

Girlguiding – Adventures at Home

Girlguiding have launched their new Adventures at Home – Activities and adventures to keep yourself occupied during this difficult time – fun for kids, adults, everyone!

Being an adventurer is a state of mind – it’s being brave and determined, supporting others and finding fun in everything we do. And it doesn’t need to stop just because we’re staying indoors.

Each week they’ll be releasing eight new activity cards – two per age group or guiding section – that you can download and use at home.

You don’t need to be a member of Girlguiding to give them a try – they’re here so all young people can have a bit of adventure at this tough time.