Category: Events
1930’s Summer Fete & BBQ
MORA AGM 2017 Thank you
It was great to see our MORA members out in force for our 93rd AGM that took place at Edenham High School on Tuesday 25 April 2017.
In a break with previous AGMs we kicked the evening off with a live performance from Zayn Raja, Deputy Head Boy and finished with a raffle at the end.
Thank you to all our members and guests who attended and contributed to the lively hour of debate at the end on planning issues that are facing us who live here in Shirley.
We’ve had some great feedback and have been approached by residents wanting to get more involved, which is great and there is plenty to be done.
Invited guests included Cllr Paul Scott, Chair of Croydon Council Planning Committee, Shirley & Ashburton councillors and Gavin Barwell MP.
We’re delighted you enjoyed the presentations from MORA. And for those of you that missed it, there are some pictures below. We’ll be publishing more details in our Summer Magazine. Don’t miss it.
Spring 2017 Magazine
Spring is here! The MORA Spring 2017 Magazine is on its way to our Road Stewards for delivery to our members. Look out for it coming through your door over the next week or so.
Also a reminder to save the date for Tuesday 25th April 2017 7PM in your diary. It’s the MORA 2017 AGM event and we hope to you see there. We have lots to update you on.