The MORA Executive Committee wishes everyone a peaceful Christmas and prosperous New Year.
Category: Events
Council keeps quiet about its plans…again
Dear #SaveShirley resident,
I’m sure like us you feel in the dark about what’s going on after we all joined forces to let the Council know how we felt about their disastrous plans for Shirley.
It was around this time last year we got wind of their plans and rallied support to respond to their ‘consultation’, something they were hoping would go under the radar.
So, we suppose it will be no surprise to hear they are up to their old tricks. Only this time we have learnt they are planning to ignore the 4,000 objections Shirley residents made in October to oppose the plans.
The Council is intending to rubber stamp Croydon Local Plan (CLP2) at this Monday’s Full Council Meeting – that’s right Monday 5 December. There’s a reason why they’ve not informed us residents who these plans will affect for many years to come.
We’re intending to turn up and let Councillor Butler know that we’re still not happy with her plans. Plans that she never consulted with us, even though she agreed publicly to hold a meeting with Shirley residents.
This will be another opportunity to show the Council the strength of feeling in our community about some of the policies within that plan before it goes to the planning inspectorate.
We know many of you have attended previous meetings on this subject and I hope many of you will feel it appropriate to attend once more.
Here are the details of the meeting (arrive at 6.15pm Mon 5 Dec):
The Council Chamber
Town Hall
Katharine Street
Full Council Agenda:
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