SaveShirley – Three-storey block of flats coming our ‘Orchard’ way

It seems Croydon Council is intent on wrecking Shirley and can’t wait to get started on their plans to intensify our area.

Plans have been received to demolish the existing detached house at 40 Orchard Avenue, and in its place build a three-storey block of 8 two-bedroom flats, with the formation of associated access and parking.

What’s worse is it looks like the Council has already made up its mind as the recommendation for this application is to Grant Permission.

The case goes to council next Thursday 17 March. If you live in Orchard Avenue you need to complain. If you live in Shirley and think you’re safe from the onslaught of the developers – Think again.

This application has been reported to the planning committee because MORA (Monks Orchard Residents’ Association) made representations in accordance with the Committee Consideration Criteria and requested committee consideration and objections above the threshold in the Committee Consideration Criteria have been received.

You can view the report and recommendation on the Council’s website by visiting or download the PDF.

We need to stop these developments. If you can make the meeting we need to show our continued support to Save Shirley.

The meeting starts at 6:30pm in The Council Chamber, The Town Hall, Katharine Street, Croydon CR0 1NX or follow us on twitter

Shirley residents out in force


Croydon Town Hall was overwhelmed on Monday night with more than 450 Shirley residents to hear the Save Shirley petition of more than 3,600 signatures presented to the council and the debate that followed.

Our intention was to be heard, and we certainly did that. Cllr Tony (concrete) Newman, Leader of the council told the Croydon Advertiser: “I believe residents have legitimate concerns.”

So, thank you to all of you who queued down Katherine Street. The meeting was delayed by 20 minutes as council officials struggled to set up screens and speakers so everyone who had arrived for the meeting could watch the webcast and lively public debate.

And it went downhill from there, with the meeting being suspended by 15 minutes as Croydon CEO, Nathan Elvery and the Mayor left the meeting amidst utter chaos. There blatant bias culminated in the refusal to allow a vote. It’s obvious that there is no such thing as democracy in Croydon Council.

Save Shirley and MORA have called for a public meeting with Cllr Newman on the proposals, but he said he will not agree to this until the outcome of the public consultation on the proposals has been published.

We are not prepared to wait that long. So we’re starting to build momentum and have a few more things up our sleeves, but we still have a long way to go.

So we’d appreciate if you’d email him at urging him to accept our invitation and keep the pressure on.

There will be more articles in the press. Croydon Advertiser has already published a couple of articles online already about the event:

Then on Tuesday morning Save Shirley was invited for a TV interview on the London Live Breakfast Show, our local MP, Gavin Barwell, attended this.

It’s about 4mins in length, but the interview has also been posted online.

If you want to watch the meeting webcast, it’s available on catch-up now:

If you would like to read the speech Dave Greenwood presented you can download a PDF copy here. and follow us on twitter at



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Council meeting – We need your support

Tomorrow night (Monday 25 January) at the Council meeting is a BIG opportunity for Shirley Residents to force Croydon’s councillors to rethink their plans.

If we don’t change their minds they will concrete over where we live and replace our houses with 4-storey blocks of flats, build gypsy/traveller sites in the Green Belt, allow housing on our precious green spaces and back gardens and completely change the character of Shirley.

We have a fight on our hands. This is why we need to pack the public gallery with residents and make as much noise as possible.

Meet us outside the Council Chamber at 5.45, Town Hall, Katharine Street, Croydon, CR0 1NX. The meeting starts at 6.30.

Thank you

Save Shirley is backed by the following residents’ associations
MORA (Monks Orchard Residents’ Association), Shirley Oaks Village, Spring Park (SPRA), Shrublands, Bishops Walk and Shirley Hills.

Thank you – Save Shirley

Wow, what a great turn out in front of Shirley Library, especially at short notice. An estimate of 150-200 people turned out to show their support against Croydon Councils devastating plans for Shirley.


We need to pack the public gallery with residents. We are meeting outside at 5.45. The meeting will be held at:

The Council Chamber,  The Town Hall, Katharine Street, Croydon, CR0 1NX