Croydon Male Voice Choir

croydon male voice choir logoThis is to let you know that our next concert is just over one month away! Croydon Male Voice Choir is singing at St John’s church in Old Coulsdon on Saturday 21 November.

This is sure to be an exciting event, as we are hosting the renowned Caernarfon Male Voice Choir from North Wales.  The Caernarfon choir is outstanding even among Welsh choirs, with their great choral tradition,  as it has won the first prize at the Welsh National Eisteddfod no fewer than nine times.

This is a return match for us as we sang with the Caernarfon choir during our North Wales tour in May.  We had a wonderful evening with the Welshmen and look forward to returning the compliment on 21 November.

The full address for our concert is St John’s, Canons Hill, Old Coulsdon, CR5 1HA.  The concert starts at our usual time of 7.30pm.  Tickets cost £10 and you can you buy them on the door.

Looking further ahead, we are staging two more concerts in December.  On Thursday 10 December we are singing at Merstham Village Hall and on Saturday 12 December we are holding our ever-popular Christmas Concert with the Croydon Welsh Society at Shirley Methodist Church – with full audience participation! Tickets for both concerts will be on sale at the door.

You may also see us at one of our customary Christmas appearances at the Whitgift Centre, on Sunday 6 December and Sunday 20 December.

We are delighted to be in touch with you again and hope to see you at one or more of these events.

With kind regards

Philip Talmage

33 Wickham Avenue, Croydon CR0 8TZ
tel +44 (0)20 8656 1886
mobile +44 (0)7541 954 959

For more information

Would you like to be on TV?

MORA have been contacted by Talitha from Wall to Wall Television ( – one of the country’s leading independent television production companies. The company’s output includes Who Do You Think You Are? The Voice and The Gift for BBC One and Long Lost Family for ITV.

They are looking for a London-based family to take part in another Back In Time social history experiment for BBC Two, summer 2015. 

They have recently made a very popular BBC Two series called Back In Time For Dinner, in which a family ate their way through typical meals of the 1950s through to the 1990s. Following its huge success, they are looking for a family who, just like the Robshaws, will immerse themselves this time in the leisure and entertainment habits of decades past. They are looking for families with a minimum of two children aged 10+ who are available to film over the summer holidays of July and August 2015.  The family should have thoroughly modern leisure habits – turn to modern technology for entertainment and leisure time and enjoy weekend shopping and cinema trips. In the previous series we filmed at the family home and local businesses and amenities so it may be of interest to those who live in your area.

Any interested families should simply email to express an interest.  There is no commitment to take part at the initial enquiry stage, but we are encouraging applications ASAP.

Back In Time Leisure flyer