Urgent Coronavirus Update – London in Tier 4 Lockdown Category from 20 December

Due to the spread of the new variant of coronavirus (which has been identified and is known as VUI) in the London and South East area, from midnight tonight (19 December) we will be entering a new tier four lockdown category.

Residents will only be allowed to celebrate Christmas with members of their own household and their support bubbles.

A stay-at-home order will be issued to residents, with those travelling to work or for education exempt, and people are urged to work from home if they can.

Social mixing will be cut to meeting one person in an open public space.

All non-essential retail will have to close, along with hairdressers, nail bars, indoor gyms and leisure facilities.

People will be advised not to travel into or leave a tier four area.

Overnight stays are also not permitted, except for those within support bubbles.

The restrictions will last for two weeks, with the first review due on 30 December.

London on Tier 3 (Very High Alert) Lockdown Category from 16 December

As Coronavirus numbers have increased in the London area, from 16 December London will be placed into the Tier 3 (Very High Alert) Category.

Tier three (very high) rules:

  • You can’t mix indoors, in private gardens or in most outdoor venues, except with your household or bubble
  • You can meet in a group of up to six in other outdoor spaces, such as parks, beaches or countryside
  • Shops, gyms and personal care services (such as hairdressing) can reopen
  • Hospitality venues such as bars, pubs, cafes and restaurants must stay closed, except for delivery and takeaway
  • Spectator sports cannot resume
  • Indoor entertainment venues – such as bowling alleys and cinemas – must stay closed
  • People are advised not to travel to and from tier three areas

Covid-19 Vaccine – The roll-out is starting

The NHS is starting to vaccinate the most at-risk groups: some people aged 80 and over who already have a hospital appointment in the next few weeks; people who work in care homes and health care workers at high risk.

The NHS will be starting to call people who fall into the priority groups over the coming weeks to book appointments.

You can really help the NHS deliver this effectively to those who need it most. Our asks are:

  1. We will contact you when it’s the right time to come forward, so please don’t contact the NHS to seek a vaccine before then;
  2. Please act on your invite when it comes, and make sure you attend your appointments when you arrange them;
  3. And of course, please continue to abide by all the social distancing, wearing of face masks and hand hygiene guidance, which will still save lives.

If you have not yet been approached about having the vaccine, please read the information: why you are being asked to wait.

Find out more about the roll-out at: nhs.uk/covidvaccine

London on Tier 2 (High Alert) Lockdown Category from December 2

England’s current lockdown will end just after midnight on Wednesday 2 December. After that, London will be placed into the Tier 2 Category.

Tier two (high) rules

  • In tier two you can’t socialise indoors with anyone you do not live with, or who is not in your support bubble
  • You can meet in a group of up to six outside – including in a garden, or a public place
  • Shops, gyms and personal care services (such as hairdressing) can reopen (if Covid-secure)
  • Pubs and bars can only open if they serve substantial meals. Alcohol can be served with that meal
  • Collective worship, weddings and outdoor sports can resume (with restrictions)
  • Non-essential foreign travel allowed, subject to quarantine rules.

Government Measures for Christmas

As 2020 draws to a close, we recognise it has been an incredibly difficult year for us all. We have all had to make significant sacrifices in our everyday lives, and many religious and community groups have already had to change or forgo their customary celebrations to slow the spread of coronavirus and save lives.

This cannot be a ‘normal’ Christmas. But as we approach the festive period, we have been working closely together to find a way for family and friends to see each other, even if it is for a short time, and recognising that it must be both limited and cautious.

Even where it is within the rules, meeting with friends and family over Christmas will be a personal judgement for individuals to take, mindful of the risks to themselves and others, particularly those who are vulnerable. We need everyone to think carefully about what they do during this period, balancing some increased social contact with the need to keep the risk of increased transmission of the virus as low as possible.

This is particularly important when considering those who are vulnerable, and before deciding to come together over the festive period we urge the consideration of alternative approaches such as the use of technology or meeting outside.

The Government has therefore agreed that:

  • Travel restrictions across the four administrations and between tiers will be lifted to provide a window for households to come together between the 23rd and 27th of December.
  • Up to three households can form an exclusive ‘bubble’ to meet at home during this period. When a bubble is formed it is fixed, and must not be changed or extended further at any point.
  • Each Christmas bubble can meet at home, at a place of worship or an outdoor public place, but existing, more restrictive rules on hospitality and meeting in other venues will be maintained throughout this period.

The winter holiday period is a time often spent with family and friends, with schools and offices closing and people travelling over the bank holidays. Many have already begun making their plans, and we are today providing clarity to help people make the right choices for them, and enjoy time with those closest to them while staying within the rules to protect us all.

The current national restriction rules are still in place until 2 December and must be followed until they expire.

Find out more: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus