New Government Lockdown Measures for Croydon


From Saturday 17 October, Croydon and Bromley are to be placed on Tier 2 (High Alert) covid-19 lockdown measures.

The rules for Tier 2 (High Alert) lockdown measures are as follows:

You may not meet in a group of more than six people, indoors or outdoors, unless you’re in a larger household or a support bubble.

You are not allowed to meet socially with people you do not live with indoors – this includes private homes, as well as pubs or restaurants.

You can still meet friends and family outdoors, but only in a group of up to six people.

People in support bubbles can go on meeting as before and informal childcare may also be provided.

Pubs, bars and restaurants must close by 10.00pm.


If you have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), ask for a test to check if you have the virus.

Download the new NHS Covid-19 app

NHS Covid-19 App

The new NHS COVID-19 app, now available to download for free, is the fastest way to see if you’re at risk from coronavirus. The faster you know, the quicker you can alert and protect your loved ones and community.

The app has a number of tools to protect you, including contact tracing, local area alerts and venue check-in. It uses proven technology from Apple and Google, designed to protect every user’s privacy.

Anyone aged 16 and over is being asked to install the app on to their smartphone.

The app instructs users to self-isolate for 14 days if it detects they were nearby someone who has the virus. It also has a check-in scanner to alert owners if a venue they have visited is found to be an outbreak hotspot.

The app is available for smartphones only – not tablets, smartwatches or other devices.

To get started, go to Android’s Google Play or Apple’s App Store and search for “NHS Covid-19“.

The handsets must have Android 6.0 (released in 2015) or iOS 13.5 (released in May 2020) and Bluetooth 4.0 or higher. That excludes the iPhone 6 and older versions of Apple’s handsets.

Latest Update from the DEMOC Campaign

Croydon Council have responded to their voters’ legitimate petition containing over 17,000 valid signatures and calling for the people to be given the choice next May.

The Council has the legal power to call a referendum on 6 May, the same day as the London Mayor and Assembly elections. That is the obvious day to have it because the extra cost would be minimal and if decided, a Mayor would be elected in May 2022 when the local Council elections take place.

The law gives the people the right to a referendum if 5% of voters demand one. In Croydon 5% is 13,788 voters. Although over 17,000 voters signed the petition, the Council Leadership refuses to use their legal powers to call the referendum in May.

It’s time for all Councillors to stand up for the people and make sure they are given the choice they demand in May 2021.

We are of course disappointed if not surprised by this decision.  We are clarifying some points with the Council and will keep you informed as events proceed.  We remain confident that sooner or later, the referendum will happen, and the people of Croydon will choose to have a mayor.

Getting the message out

We are still getting leaflets out in target areas.  We have the following leafleting sessions over the next couple of weeks in South Norwood/Selhurst.  Please join us in getting our leaflets out.  All sessions will socially distanced and we ask people to come and collect leaflets and maps, then go off in small groups.  We will also ask you to later confirm what roads you completed.

Tuesday 22-Sep 6:45pm
Meeting outside: The Clifton Arms  21 Clifton Rd, Selhurst, London SE25 6NJ

Sunday 27-Sep 11am
Meeting outside: The Cherry Tree  32 Station Rd, South Norwood, London SE25 5AG

Wednesday 30-Sep 6:45pm
Meeting outside: The Cherry Tree  32 Station Rd, South Norwood, London SE25 5AG

If you can, please come along and help us get the message out to the people of Croydon that we need a Democratically Elected Mayor!

Thanks for all your support.

From: The Campaign for a Democratically Elected Mayor of Croydon

DEMOC Campaign Update – September 2020

Getting the message out

The petition is now in and the campaign begins.  The next phase is to get the message out to all of Croydon on why we need a Democratically Elected Mayor.

The focus for now is getting leaflets out in target areas.  We have 4 leafleting sessions over the next couple of weeks in South Norwood/Selhurst.  Please join us in getting our leaflets out.  All sessions will socially distanced and we ask people to come and collect leaflets and maps, then go off in small groups.  We will also ask you to later confirm what roads you completed.

Sunday 20-Sep 11am
Meeting outside: The Clifton Arms  21 Clifton Rd, Selhurst, London SE25 6NJ

Tuesday 22-Sep 6:45pm
Meeting outside: The Clifton Arms  21 Clifton Rd, Selhurst, London SE25 6NJ

Sunday 27-Sep 11am
Meeting outside: The Cherry Tree  32 Station Rd, South Norwood, London SE25 5AG

Wednesday 30-Sep 6:45pm
Meeting outside: The Cherry Tree  32 Station Rd, South Norwood, London SE25 5AG

If you can, please come along and help us get the message out to the people of Croydon that we need a Democratically Elected Mayor!

Thanks for all your support.  Now let’s take our message to all of Croydon!

New Government Measures for Social Gatherings

  • Social gatherings of more than six people in England will not be allowed in law from Monday 14 September
  • The new rule will apply both indoors and outdoors, and to all ages.
  • Pubs, restaurants, shops and other venues will remain open, but people can only attend in groups of up to six. Venues should also allow for social distancing between groups.
  • Similarly, places of worship may remain open but with a limit of six people attending per group.

Some gatherings of more than six people will be allowed, for example:

  • If your household or support bubble is larger than six
  • Where gatherings are for work or education purposes
  • Weddings and funerals
  • Team sports organised in a way limiting the spread of coronavirus

If you live in a household of more than six you can gather in public or private. However, you will not be able to join with anyone from outside of your household.

Police will issue fines to those ignoring these measures £100 – doubling with each offence to a maximum of £3,200

If you have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), ask for a test to check if you have the virus.