Democratically Elected Mayor of Croydon

The campaign for a Democratically Elected Mayor of Croydon (“DEMOC”) are a group of local residents who have joined together for the sole purpose of seeing a democratically elected mayor installed in Croydon in place of the existing Council Leader.

To make your voice heard on this matter, sign the petition and send it to:

PO BOX 3254

Planning Report – October 2019

To find out the latest news on what is being planned in your local area, check out our latest Planning Report with up-to-date information on Planning Applications including developments in:

  • Fairhaven Avenue
  • Lorne Avenue
  • Land to the Rear of Shirley Inn Public House
  • Orchard Avenue
  • Orchard Park High School
  • Orchard Rise
  • Wickham Road
  • Woodmere Avenue and Woodmere Close.

With additional updates on our Planning Complaints and supplementary questions to the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan.

Also, take a look at the MORA Planning App, which gives you an easy way to track all the current and recent planning applications within the MORA area. It’s simple to use and free for you to access.

Croydon Council’s Governance Review Residents’ Survey

Croydon Council are asking the public to contribute their views on whether the council effectively listens to residents and if more should be done to ensure local people can participate in and influence decisions that affect their neighbourhoods, including provision of local services. The closing date for the survey is 6th October 2019.

The short survey is aimed at helping understand what residents think about ways they can get involved and whether the current opportunities to participate could be improved. It also asks how important it is for local people to participate and be able to influence decisions made by the council.

Your responses to the survey will be independently analysed by Centre for Public Scrutiny and presented to the Panel to help inform its work on the recommendations and improvements the council can make to enhance local democracy and resident participation in local decision making.