Croydon Council Local Green Spaces Consultation

Croydon Council are asking the public to contribute their views on their Local Green Spaces. The closing date for the survey is midnight, 22nd July 2019.

In order to ensure that your voice is heard take part in the five minute survey, providing information against one or more of the 79 sites explaining how and why you use the site, and why you value the site. You may need to zoom into the map to see more green space sites.

At the end of the 6-week period, all evidence can be collated and can then be attached to the completed Evidence and Evaluation document by the Plan-making team. The Council will then be able to review the evidence and determine the suitability of each green space to be put forward for Local Green Space designation.

Trees in Shirley & Ashburton

Dear Cllr Chatterjee

Thank you for your enquiry.

For your information our arboricultural contractor is continuing with the ward inspection and works cycle that had to be delayed in the last financial year due to budget constraints. I can confirm that this work is solely for management purposes of the council tree stock.As with all tree owners the council has a duty of care to ensure that the tree stock is in a reasonable condition. It is council policy, as set by the councillors, not to remove healthy street trees. The only exception to this is when a tree is implicated in an insurance claim and the liabilities of keeping the tree are outweighed by the cost of repairs. Unless there is a technical reason not too, we endeavour to replant with a smaller species of tree that is less likely to be implicated in a repeated claim. Trees are removed if they are dead, dying or dangerous and the defects are beyond remedial pruning works. Due to financial constraints we do not prune trees for non-duty bound issues such as loss of light or loss of TV / satellite signal for example. All work carried out is based on arboricultural considerations in line with our legal responsibilities and any work carried out that benefits non-duty bound issues is an incidental benefit.

Amongst many other issues the Tree & Woodland section spends a significant amount of time dealing with and turning down requests for tree removal or inappropriate pruning to council owned trees. I note the residents’ concerns about the loss of trees, it is an issue that we are acutely aware of across the borough. Trees do have a finite life and a street tree does have a particularly tough environment in which it is expected to flourish. The tree stock is a defining character of this borough, however we do not have funds specifically allocated for tree planting. We do try to set aside funds from within current limited resources of the tree maintenance budget to plant approximately 500 trees per planting season which runs from November through to March. Regrettably this last financial year we had to plant less trees than our normal target due to budget cut backs. As tree planting is not a duty of care requirement it is unfortunately one of the first areas to suffer when cost savings are required. We do have a list of planting sites that we wish to restock and rest assure the areas you have highlighted will be added to the list, however it operates on a first come first serve basis and usually demand out strips the available resources so it may well take time for restocking to take effect. We would like to be in a position to replace like for like in the following planting season and ideally plant additional trees in suitable locations across the borough to maintain and even enhance the tree covered character, however in the current financial climate this is highly unlikely.


James Canneaux

Tree & Woodlands Officer

Place Department

Croydon Council

1st Floor

Public Realm Offices

Stubbs Mead Depot

Factory Lane


Tel: 020 8726 6000

London Mayor and Conservative candidate Zac Goldsmith both promise to protect our green spaces

Dear Save Shirley residents,

We are committed to keep up the pressure on the decision makers who can influence what’s going on in our area. That includes Boris Johnson and mayoral candidates Zac Goldsmith and Sadiq Khan.

Sadiq Khan won’t respond to any of our questions or invitations to come and talk to the people of Shirley. However, Zac has…

Following an invitation to visit the area and see for himself the devastating effect the Croydon Local Plan will have on Shirley, Zac put his money where his mouth is and attended a meeting with Save Shirley campaigners.

Zac’s visit to Shirley was reported in the Croydon Advertiser. If you missed it click here to read the full story.

Zac Goldsmith, the Conservative candidate for London Mayor returned to Croydon for a general meeting this week with residents from across the borough organised by Gavin Barwell MP.

Zac addressed residents for 10 minutes and then opened the floor for questions. During the lively debate, Zac confirmed his promise to the Save Shirley and MORA that if elected in May he will protect London’s green belt.

Boris Johnson #PQT

We recently attended Boris Johnson’s People’s Question Time when it came to Croydon Fairfield Halls on Thursday 3 March 2016.

The all ticket event, held twice a year, gives Londoners the chance to quiz the mayor and London Assembly members on topics including housing, transport and community safety.

Save Shirley attended with Sony Nair, MORA Chairman. He asked Boris and the panel for a response in relation to proposals to intensify Shirley by knocking down residential homes and replacing them with high rise blocks of flats and building new homes on our green spaces:

“I would like to understand the GLAs position on Croydon’s Local Plans for intensification of residential areas that will wreck neighbourhoods and build on green spaces when there is plenty of brownfield sites that are suitable for development.”

In his response, The Mayor of London said although it is a Croydon Council matter he “will very much disagree” with their plans to build on Croydon’s green spaces.

Steve O’Connell, our Assembly Member, chaired the event.

To watch Boris answer Sony’s question, tune in at Save Shirley TV


Don’t forget to follow us on twitter for all the latest updates @ShirleySave or check out the website