Smile! We need your support

We have a photographer from the Croydon Guardian coming to Shirley Library tomorrow at 12.30 (Sat 16th Jan), and need as many residents as we can get into the photograph.

Come and lend your support. We’ll meet you outside Shirley library.

We just need a few minutes of their time as it will greatly help the Save Shirley campaign.


Save Shirley – January council meeting

Shirley residents,

We have written to Nathan Elvery, Croydon Council’s Chief executive, requesting we would like to present our online petition and see a debate at the January council meeting on Monday 25 January.

You can contact him yourself directly – and let him know you also want to see it on the agenda for the Council meeting.

We have a long way to go and need to show them we mean business. Can we ask for your support at the Council meeting on Monday 25 January, when we formally present the petition and start a debate on their devastating plans for where we live?

The meeting will be held at the Town Hall, Katharine Street, Croydon CR0 1NX. There is a public gallery and anyone can attend – we need it packed full of MORA residents.

As soon as we hear from the Council we will confirm the time.

It’s not to late to sign the Save Shirley petition and takes just a minute to complete. So, please take the time to raise your objection to the Council’s plans, if you haven’t done so already.

Thank you for your support and we’ll see you on the 25 January.

Important information for cat owners

MORA have received this message from the Shirley Neighborhood Policing Team:

Dear resident,

We would like to make you aware of the rise in incidents where cats are being stolen and mutilated. This first came to our attention a couple of weeks again in the Addiscombe area, and recently there has been an incident in Shirley. We would like to ask you to keep en eye out for a dirty white/grey van acting suspiciously in the area. If you have information please call 101. make a note of the registration of the vehicle, description of the vehicle and descriptions of any occupants of the vehicle.


PC 415 Sam Harding

Shirley Neighborhood Policing Team

020 8721 2469

Support to stop Back Garden Developments

Give your support to stop Back Garden Developments in Woodmere Avenue, Shirley.

Please attend the Planning Meeting on 9th July 2015 starting at 8PM in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Katharine Street, Croydon, CR0 1NX.

Planning Applications to be determined at the Planning Meeting:

Two Back-Garden developments

1) Demolition of 60a Woodmere Avenue, erection of 5 three bedroom detached houses; formation of vehicular access and provision of associated parking and landscaping.

2) Demolition of 64 Woodmere Avenue, erection of 5 x 3-bedroom dwellings; alteration of access onto Woodmere Avenue and provision of associated parking and landscaping.

We have support from local our Local MP Gavin Barwell (Croydon Central) our GLA Member Steve O’Connell and Local Ashburton Councillors Cllr. Stephen Mann, Cllr Andrew Rendle & Cllr. Maddie Henson.

We also need the support of you, our local residents, by being present in the Public Gallery during the Planning Meeting (9th July 2015 starting at 8PM in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Katharine Street, Croydon, CR0 1NX).

Street Lighting Replacement – Works Update – Shirley

As you are aware Skanska are working on the new street lighting in our area, we have been informed of some works about to be carried out

Within the next few weeks we will be starting to work in:-
Freshfields Shirley

R O W 804


The key benefits of the scheme are to:

  • Improve the quality of the lighting
  • Improve road safety.
  • Reduce crime.
  • Improve energy efficiency.
  • Make sure all lighting columns are safe.
  • Improve the speed and effectiveness of maintenance and repair