Register now to vote in Croydon’s referendum

There is less than a fortnight to go for Croydon residents to register to vote ahead of this October’s referendum on the council’s governance arrangements.

On 7 October voters will be asked: How would you like the London Borough of Croydon to be run?

• By a leader who is an elected councillor chosen by a vote of the other elected councillors. This is how the council is run now.

• By a mayor who is elected by voters. This would be a change from how the council is run now.

The council is urging anyone who is eligible to vote but is not on the electoral register to sign up here by midnight on Tuesday 21 September. You must be registered to vote by this date in order to take part in the referendum.

Poll cards are being delivered from next week onwards. These are for information purposes, and residents do not need to take them to vote at their polling station.

Polling stations will be open between 7am and 10pm on Thursday 7 October. Information on your nearest polling station will be available on the council website in the next week. While there is no longer a requirement to wear face coverings in polling stations, voters will be encouraged to do so, and to maintain appropriate social distancing.

Registered voters can choose to vote by post instead of going in person. Most postal votes will be sent out by Royal Mail first-class delivery from around Wednesday 15 September, with further dispatches for late postal vote applicants.

Completed postal votes must be returned by 10pm on Thursday 7 October. For registered voters wishing to do so by post, or to change or cancel an existing postal or proxy voting arrangement, the deadline is 5pm on 22 September.

Voters can apply to appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf. The deadline for new proxy vote applications is 5pm on Wednesday 29 September.

Voters can apply for an emergency proxy after 29 September but before 5pm on Thursday 7 October if they cannot attend their polling station because of work or illness – this includes anyone required to isolate due to Covid.

Application forms for postal and proxy votes can be downloaded from and completed forms can be posted or emailed to: Forms must be received by the relevant deadline.

Votes will be counted after the polls close at 10pm on Thursday 7 October, and the result will appear on the council’s website shortly after it is declared.

DEMOC Campaign Update – August 2021

In just six weeks’ time, our borough will go to the polls, to make a simple choice: stick with the same old, same old or change Croydon for the better. A democratically elected mayor, chosen by the WHOLE of Croydon, not just a group of councillors in the town hall, can help get our borough back on track.

Can you help DEMOC spread the word and get as many people to vote for a mayor who is elected by voters?


Follow DEMOC on Facebook, share our content – and keep your eyes peeled for news about our upcoming events.

DEMOC Campaign Update

With just 100 days to go until Croydon goes to the polls on 7 October, the momentum around a democratically-elected mayor is gathering pace.

Thousands of Croydon residents have viewed our video setting out the need for a Croydon mayor, while households across the borough have received a leaflet, thanks to our growing team of volunteers.

DEMOC, the resident-led Campaign for a Democratically Elected Mayor of Croydon, is focussed on building a bright, positive future for the borough. A mayor offers a fresh start and an opportunity for Croydon to fulfil its potential. However, the campaign also acknowledges that the current state of Croydon’s governance and financial management is difficult to ignore.

Gerry Meredith-Smith, DEMOC’s chair, said: “Every week there are yet more revelations and allegations about the mishandling of the Council’s affairs – and it’s us, the residents of the borough, who suffer. Services for some of the most vulnerable in the borough – children, the elderly, those with complex needs – are already being scaled back. It’s shameful. Croydon deserves better. We deserve proper leadership, proper transparency around decision-making, and proper respect. That’s what a democratically-elected mayor can give us.”

In just 100 days, Croydon residents will have the opportunity to shape the borough’s future. If you would like to get involved with the campaign, get in touch at and follow us on Facebook

Croydon Libraries Consultation

Following a meeting of our council’s cabinet where it was agreed to start the
second phase of public consultation on proposed changes to the library service, we now want to hear people’s views on the following options developed to make the £500,000 savings target outlined at the meeting:

  • Reduce service hours by 21% across the borough
  • Outsource all libraries
  • Hybrid – reduction in service hours (two days per week) to eight libraries
    and five community run libraries

You can find more details about these options and the online survey at:

There will also be two webinars:
Saturday 12 June 11.00am

Tuesday 15 June 6.30pm

To request a paper copy of the survey contact your local Croydon library or

The online survey ends at midnight 26 July 2021. Paper copies must be returned by 21 July 2021.