MORA Needs Your Help!!!

Are you a Shirley resident who wants to help out in your community?

We are looking for volunteers to join Monks Orchard Residents’ Association as Committee Members.

Our committee includes people of all ages, and from all walks in life. Importantly, we are non-political. What we have in common is we’re passionate about where we live and our community. We give up our time for a couple of hours each month to discuss local issues affecting Shirley and Monks Orchard. Due to coronavirus, we are now conducting our meetings online via Zoom.

With all these plans for Shirley from Croydon Council at the moment, there is plenty going on and we need to add to our team.

If this sounds right up your street and you live within the Monks Orchard area, get in touch at

So come on, give MORA a hand!

Croydon Libraries Closure Update

Croydon Council has ruled out closing five of its libraries but may work in partnership with an organisation or reduce opening hours under detailed plans going to consultation in June.

The council consulted local residents from January to March on early proposals to adapt the future library service while making necessary budget savings.

These early proposals were based around closing the libraries with the highest maintenance costs and lowest visitor numbers – at Bradmore Green, Shirley, Sanderstead, South Norwood and Broad Green – unless they could be run without costing public money.

At a meeting on Monday (17th May) the council’s cabinet discussed this initial consultation phase, with local feedback highlighting the importance of local libraries and requesting more access to them out of hours.

Since this initial consultation, the council has identified funding to meet these five libraries’ repair costs. This money, from the ring-fenced Community Infrastructure Levy which councils can charge to limit the impact of new developments, would also cover the fit-out costs of the new South Norwood library and give more users out-of-hours access through Open + swipe cards.

As a result, cabinet decided that from the beginning of June there will be further consultation on detailed proposals based around three options – none of which would involve closing libraries.

  • Option one would mean all libraries remain in council control and be open two fewer days per week, except the central library that would open five days per week.
  • Under option two the council would work in partnership with an organisation to run all 13 libraries, which could include a charity or social enterprise.
  • Option three would keep eight libraries in council control and open two fewer days a week. The other five would be leased to community groups, with the council providing some staff two days a week, as well as books and IT support.

Cabinet dropped three other options because they would not have met the savings needed – one that involved closing the five libraries; and two others to lease five libraries to community groups, with either full or reduced hours at the other eight.

“We have listened to and acted on residents’ feedback by changing our proposals so that all 13 of our libraries will stay open in a way that would still allow us to make much-needed savings.

“I want to thank everyone who has taken part in the consultation so far, and I would encourage everyone who cares about their libraries to have their say again when we go live with detailed proposals at the beginning of June.”

Councillor Oliver Lewis, cabinet member for culture and regeneration

After the second eight-week consultation phase, a final decision on Croydon’s future library service is due at Full Council in late summer.

Select and Collect at Shirley Library

From 17th May Shirley Library will be operating a select and collect service. This will only be on Mondays from 10.30am until 4.00 pm.

Customers can pre-order books by email or phone (staff are on site from 10am – 5pm Mondays but the answerphone is on at other times).

Books can also be ordered online at We will contact customers when the books are ready to arrange collection.

We are looking forward to seeing some of our customers again!

DEMOC Campaign Launch

The referendum for a Democratically Elected Mayor of Croydon will be on October 7.

The DEMOC Campaign Launch will be on Zoom on 12 May at 8pm.
The Zoom call opens at 7.45pm with limits on attendance – so try to connect early.

There will be speakers from Residents’ Associations and from across the political divide.

Please let DEMOC know if you wish to join the meeting by sending an email to:

DEMOC Campaign Update – October Referendum

In September 2020, the Campaign for a Democratically Elected Mayor of Croydon (DEMOC) formally handed in its petition that required Croydon Council to hold a referendum giving the people of Croydon the choice to change from the current failed council system to a new mayor, chosen directly by every voter in Croydon.

The Council at first refused to accept the petition was valid. After being threatened with court action, Croydon Council agreed to hold a referendum on 7th October 2021.

DEMOC are a group of Croydon Residents’ Associations supported by 17,000 residents seeking to change the way Croydon Council is run and make it better for all residents.

With the higher profile and status the position of Mayor brings, and with a mandate from the people, the Mayor will be well placed to bring the town together behind the steps that are now essential to put the town’s finances back on a sound footing including negotiation with Central Government. A Mayor can also create and develop a new vision for the town’s future in the post Covid-19, post-Brexit era, including a plan for the town centre.

For more information and details of how to help the campaign, visit the DEMOC website at: