Planning London Datahub

The Planning DataHub is a collaborative project between all of the Planning Authorities in London to build a single open data set of development proposals in the planning process to enable monitoring of how our City is changing and develop a shared understanding of the data.

The dataset is owned and contributed to by everyone in the planning and development industry and would not be possible to produce unless all parties contribute towards it.

Whilst the DataHub itself is purely a dataset, we have enabled access to the data in a number of ways to make it useful and usable to everyone. This is an evolving area of work at present so please watch for changes as they happen.

It is a live feed from each boroughs planning departments. This gives a picture of how the city is changing, how planning policies are affecting that change and how that impacts the environment we live in. It is going live with a handy dashboard to help you navigate the data and find out useful information.

Visit the DataHub here: The Planning London Datahub | London City Hall

Planning Report – March 2021

To find out the latest news on what is being planned in your local area, check out our latest Planning Report with up-to-date information on Planning Applications including developments in:

  • The Glade
  • Orchard Avenue
  • Orchard Way
  • Sandrock Pub
  • Wickham Road and Woodmere Avenue.

With additional updates on our Planning Complaints  and a letter to our MP Sarah Jones regarding holding Local Planning Authorities to account.

Also, take a look at the MORA Planning App, which gives you an easy way to track all the current and recent planning applications within the MORA area. It’s simple to use and free for you to access.

Consultation on the Purley Way Masterplan

The Purley Way is one of the areas earmarked in the council’s Local Plan Review for future transformation and growth, including housing, jobs, improved transport access and more public open spaces and facilities.

The new online survey is an opportunity for residents, businesses and visitors to feedback on the proposals, and outline their priorities around sustainable growth for the Purley Way area, which stretches from the boundary with Purley up to Valley Park.

Croydon Council want you to have your say on the proposals within the draft Purley Way Masterplan.  For this consultation there are two documents outlining a vision and masterplan to improve Purley Way:

To share your thoughts about the draft Purley Way Masterplan please follow this link to complete the online survey. The closing date for comments is Tuesday 16 March 2021.

To view high resolution versions of the documents visit

Consultation Events

 The council consultation will also include three online seminars in February which will give the public a chance to participate in a presentation and Q&A workshop to discuss the proposals:

  • Monday 15th February, 6.30-8pm
  • Monday 22nd February, 1-2.30pm
  • Monday 1st March, 6.30-8pm

For joining details for these events please see

Planning Report – February 2021

To find out the latest news on what is being planned in your local area, check out our latest Planning Report with up-to-date information on Planning Applications including developments in:

  • Ash Tree Close
  • The Glade
  • Land to the Rear of Shirley Inn Public House
  • Orchard Avenue
  • Orchard Park High School
  • Orchard Way
  • Sandrock Pub
  • Wickham Road and Woodmere Avenue.

With additional updates on our Planning Complaints; a letter to our MP Sarah Jones regarding holding Local Planning Authorities to account, and the latest news on the new London Plan Formal Approval.

Also, take a look at the MORA Planning App, which gives you an easy way to track all the current and recent planning applications within the MORA area. It’s simple to use and free for you to access.