Have Your Say on Croydon’s New Parking Strategy

A new consultation launched on Friday September 22 to gather feedback on the council’s proposals for a new parking strategy.

The strategy sets out the priorities the council will focus on to make it fairer for all road users and make the most out of road space in Croydon. Further, it aims to reduce congestion and manage parking demand while supporting local businesses and residents.

Some highlights include the introduction of virtual permits to improve service efficiency, and better parking controls in areas with high demand for on-street parking.

The Draft Croydon Parking Policy seeks to:

  • Support and enhance the ways in which people will be able to visit local businesses, high streets and town centres in Croydon
  • Make parking more accessible to people with disabilities
  • Introduce virtual parking permits for residents
  • Improve intelligence-led enforcement procedures to target illegally parked vehicles and blue badge fraud, targeting known hot spot areas and events
  • Make service improvements to areas known for high rates of parking non-compliance
  • Modernise and simplify parking controls and zones to:
    1. make it easier to understand tariff rates, parking availability and locations
    2. enable future pricing structures to be fairer and competitive compared to neighbouring boroughs and shopping districts

Any major changes to parking arrangements in Croydon would be subject to their own individual consultations before coming into effect.

The strategy will be developed using feedback from the community and local businesses, as well as parking data, and the council needs to hear from residents before it is finalised.

Residents, businesses, and visitors to the borough can find more information about the priorities and have their say on the council website.

Ten public drop-in sessions have been arranged where local residents and businesses are invited to provide feedback in person, and have questions answered by the team.

Drop-in sessions have been scheduled across the borough on the following dates:

  • Central Croydon Library: 27 September, 10:00am – 12:30pm
  • South Norwood Library: 28 September, 12:00pm – 2:30pm
  • Purley Library: 28 September, 4:30pm – 7:00pm
  • Thornton Health Library: 10 October, 4:30pm – 7:00pm
  • South Norwood Library: 11 October, 4:30pm – 7:00pm
  • Coulsdon Library: 12 October, 4:30pm – 7:00pm
  • Purley Library: 18 October, 12:00pm – 2:30pm
  • Central Croydon Library: 18 October, 4:30pm – 7:00pm
  • Coulsdon Library: 24 October, 10:00am – 12:30pm
  • Thornton Heath Library: 24 October, 4:30pm – 7:00pm

The online questionnaire will be open until 11:59pm, 31 October 2023.

Anyone requiring the information and survey in a different format, or for help completing the survey, can email parking.design@croydon.gov.uk or call 020 8726 6000.

Superloop – Quicker Bus Journeys between Bromley and Croydon

Transport for London (TfL) would like your feedback on proposals for a new limited express stop bus service between Bromley and Croydon, called SL5.

What is Superloop?

Our proposals would be part of the Superloop, a network of express limited stop routes which would circle London and connect outer London town centres, hospitals, schools and transport hubs. The Superloop is a key part of the Mayor’s commitment to improving the bus network in outer London. You can find out more about the Superloop and also sign up for updates.

What are we proposing for the SL5?

Buses are the most affordable, accessible, and available form of public transport in London and offer the main sustainable alternative to cars for journeys that can’t easily be walked or cycled. Following the Mayor of London’s announcement of the proposed new Superloop network, we are now developing proposals for a new express bus service for the section between Bromley and Croydon called SL5.

This new express route would run between Bromley North and Croydon Town Centre, using a more direct route between the two town centres.

The SL5 would run with:

  • Buses every 12 minutes Monday to Saturday, and
  • Buses every 15 minutes on evenings and Sundays

The new SL5 route would:

  • Give people more transport options to move between key locations in Bromley and Croydon
  • Provide extra capacity on the existing 119-bus route
  • Provide quicker journey times to outer London transport and town centre hubs by using a more direct roads than the existing 119-bus route
  • Encourage more sustainable journeys
  • Allow passengers on the SL5 to connect to 38 other bus routes and three train lines

The following linear map shows where the new SL5 express route could go:

We are proposing stops at key transport interchanges and town centre hubs where there is the most demand for more transport options. However, we want your feedback on whether these are the right places for a new limited stop route.

We are not proposing any changes to the frequency of the 119 bus route or other routes in the area.

Tell us your views

We are holding a six-week public consultation to hear what you think about these proposals. We want to know if you agree with them, if there is anything you do not agree with, and to understand the reasons why you feel this way.

This questionnaire should take you around five minutes to complete. Once you have submitted your answers, we will ensure your feedback is considered before we decide how to proceed with the proposed SL5 bus route.

As part of our decision making, we may decide to (i) proceed with our proposals as stated, (ii) proceed with our proposals but with changes, or (iii) not to proceed at all.

The consultation is open until 23.59 on 4 September 2023.

You will need to register with our Have Your Say platform to take part in the online survey although your details will be kept secure.

For more information on this consultation and to fill out the short survey, visit https://haveyoursay.tfl.gov.uk/sl5-superloop.

Alternatively, you can send your response to us by:

Email: haveyoursay@tfl.gov.uk
Telephone: 020 3054 6037 to leave your name and contact number and we will call you back. Please quote ‘SL5’ when leaving your message
Write to: Freepost TfL Have Your Say (SL5)

Please note that responses to the survey will be made publicly available after the consultation has closed in the form of a report on the results. Your personal information will be properly safeguarded and processed in accordance with the requirements of privacy and data protection legislation.

Future 20mph Speed Limit on West Wickham High Street (A232)

Transport for London plan to reduce the speed limit to 20mph on A232 between Station Road and Monks Orchard Road, as part of their commitment to eliminating all fatal and serious injury collisions on London’s roads by 2041.

In 2018, TfL in partnership with the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) launched the Vision Zero Action Plan. This details our programmes to reduce road danger across the roads we manage and operate across London, including plans to reduce the speed limit by 10mph on more than 140km of Transport for London Road Network (TLRN).

In March 2020, we reduced the speed limit of all of the TLRN within the Central London Congestion Charging Zone. We are now progressing with Phase 2 of the programme, which includes this section of the A232.

The speed at which people are driving or riding is the most important factor in both the likelihood of a collision occurring and of the severity of the outcome.  The benefits of lower speed limits are wide ranging:

  • Reduced severity of collisions
  • Reduced frequency of collisions
  • Increased cycling and walking confidence

Slower speeds save lives, particularly where the road is shared with people walking, cycling or riding a motorbike. As more and more people are choosing to walk and cycle around London, we must reduce the risk of them being killed or seriously injured. Lowering traffic speeds can also make our streets less polluted and safer places to walk and cycle.

Work is planned to start by May 2023 and will involve installing new signs and road markings as well as temporary lamp column mounted banners.

Click here if you wish to comment on the planned 20mph speed limit, where you can also find out more information about the Lower Speed Limits programme and our plans for other locations across London.

If you have other questions, you can also contact us at: LocalCommunitiesandPartnerships@tfl.gov.uk

Elstan Way Highway Maintenance Resurfacing – 5th & 6th Oct 2022

FMCONWAY, on behalf of Croydon Council, will shortly be commencing resurfacing at the location/s and date/s below:

Date: 5TH & 6TH October 2022 between 08:00-17:00
Location: Elstan Way

To enable the Contractor to undertake the works, on-street parking will be suspended during works hours. We also kindly ask that with forward planning vehicular access to and from properties adjacent to the road are reduced to a minimum during the works hours. Pedestrian access will not be affected.

Advance driver / resident information boards will be in place before the works commence, advising of the precise dates and times of the Traffic Management.

Please however note that unforeseen circumstances (e.g. inclement weather conditions) may necessitate a change to the scheduled dates and information on road signs will be changed accordingly. Please check the road signs regularly for any updates

The resurfacing works will take place between: Woodmere Avenue and The Glade.

Due to the nature of these works it is inevitable that some disruption will occur. For this reason, it is recommended that where possible you use alternative routes or allow extra time to complete your journey.

The on-street parking suspensions that will be in place within the works area are 07:30-17:00 on 4th to 6th October 2022.

No parking for residents on the highway in the areas covered by the enforcement signs.

Please note that penalty charge notices (PCN’s) will be applied to vehicles parked within the suspended areas during the works hours and/or vehicles relocated.

We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience this may cause residents; however, we want to ensure that all works carried out on the Croydon network are to the highest standards to ensure value for our residents.