Orchard Avenue Carriageway Resurfacing

Resurfacing will commence at the location and date below:

Date: 18th May 2021 between 08:00-17:00
Location: Orchard Avenue

To enable the Contractor to undertake the works, on-street parking will be suspended during works hours. We also kindly ask that with forward planning vehicular access to and from properties adjacent to the road are reduced to a minimum during the works hours. Pedestrian access will not be affected.

Advance driver / resident information boards will be in place before the works commence, advising of the precise dates and times of the road closure.
Please however note that unforeseen circumstances (e.g. inclement weather conditions) may necessitate a change to the scheduled dates and information on road signs will be changed accordingly. Please check the road signs regularly for any updates

The resurfacing works will take place between Property No: 123 Orchard Ave to Property No: 3 Woodmere Ave.

Due to the nature of these works it is inevitable that some disruption will occur. For this reason it is recommended that where possible you use alternative routes, or allow extra time to complete your journey.

The on-street parking suspensions that will be in place within the works area are 07:30-17:00 on 18th May 2021. Please note these suspensions will stay in place until gully cleansing is completed. No parking for residents on the highway in the areas covered by the enforcement signs.

Please note that penalty charge notices (PCN’s) will be applied to vehicles parked within the suspended areas during the works hours and/or vehicles relocated.

Due to the above we would urge all residents to ensure that their vehicles are moved from the suspended areas in order to avoid any delays to the works as well as incurring any charges.

If your vehicle is relocated please contact our Trace support system on 0300 0770100, who will provide you with an exact location of your vehicle.

We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience this may cause residents; however we want to ensure that all works carried out on the Croydon network are to the highest standards to ensure value for our residents.

Beware Bogus Callers
Croydon Council does not permit its employees or contractors to undertake work on private property during the course of any scheme. If anyone offers such work they will not be a council approved contractor and should be treated with caution. Any scheme undertaken by a council approved contractor does not require cash payments.

Cold calling doorstep traders offering to carry out home maintenance work such as driveway repairs and roofing are a problem in Croydon. These traders can be very persuasive and can intimidate you into agreeing to have work undertaken.

The advice from Croydon Trading Standards Service is to say “NO” to all cold calling traders – every time. If they will not leave or you get into difficulties, then call Croydon Trading Standards on
020 8407 1311

Thank you for your cooperation whilst we carry out this essential upgrade. If you require any further information do not hesitate to contact us by email: HighwaysMaintenance@croydon.gov.uk or tel: 020 8726 6000 Ext 52816.

Extra Buses for School Travel

Transport for London has announced that extra buses will run on many routes from 1st September (until the end of October) to cater for travel by school pupils, whilst still enabling social distancing on-board for other passengers using regular services.

Specially designated buses will be operated in the morning peak (07.30 til 09.30), and will have yellow “School Service” signs in the windscreen. Note that these buses might be in a different livery than usual or may use single-decker buses. Moreover these extra buses might not appear on departure information screens at bus stops and on travel apps.

On these special services it will permitted for all seats to be occupied, so other travellers should avoid using these buses and instead wait for a regular service, where the existing social distancing arrangements will still apply.

Regular services will have red “Non-school service” signs in the windscreen.

School pupils travelling without adults should use the special “School Service” buses rather than crowd onto regular services.

In the Shirley area additional “School Service” journeys will be operated on routes 194, 198 and 466 in the mornings. Meanwhile on routes 119, 130, 356, and 367 overall frequency of the morning service will be increased, but some journeys will be designated as a “School Service”. This means that other passengers may have longer to wait for a non-school bus.

Routes 130 and 367 will also have additional buses in the afternoon school peak (14.30 til 16.30). The existing 689 school bus service to Orchard Park High School (formerly Edenham High School) will have additional buses in both morning and afternoon.

Non-school passengers are asked to avoid travel at school times if possible; those who absolutely need to travel at those times are recommended to allow extra time for their journey.

There is of course the possibility that some pupils who used to travel to school by bus will instead be taken by car, which would increase traffic and delay bus services. However it is hoped that as many pupils as possible will use the extra bus services being provided (at tax-payers expense) or walk or cycle to school, in order to minimise that problem.

Gas Network Upgrade in Wickham Road, Croydon

SGN has an upcoming project to upgrade the gas network in Wickham Road, Croydon. This project involves replacing the existing gas mains and services in the area with new plastic pipe.

The essential work will ensure the community receives a continued and reliable gas supply for many years to come. SGN are working closely with UK Government and public health bodies to make sure they carry out the project in line with all current coronavirus safety guidance.

SGN are looking to start work in Wickham Road on 27 July 2020. The project will be carried out by the contractor Essex Utilities.

In close consultation with Croydon Council and TFL, SGN have agreed to complete the following work:

On 27 July 2020 for approximately 6 weeks, they will be working on Wickham Road from outside number 598 to the junction with Bridle Road.

There will be a lane closure westbound on Wickham Road between the works, with two-way temporary traffic lights in place on Wickham Road to enable two-way traffic to use the road during the works.

Pedestrians will be asked to use specific passing points along the road to ensure social distancing can be maintained.

For safety, there will be road closures on Bridle Road and Monks Orchard Road at their respective junctions with Wickham Road.

Signed diversions will be in place for those wanting to access Monks Orchard Road via: High Street, Station Road and South Eden Park Road.

Signed diversions will be in place for those wanting to access Bridle Road via: Hartland Way, South Way and Shirley Way, or via Oak Avenue and Ash Road.

Marshalls on site will ensure residents’ vehicle access will be maintained throughout.

Please note, bus stops between the works will be suspended.

There will be extra safety precautions in place to protect colleagues and the community from the virus. Colleagues will be keeping to social distancing guidelines on the sites and they ask members of the community to keep their distance too.

For more information about the coronavirus response view the SGN website: sgn.co.uk/coronavirus.

Please feel free to share this information with anyone you think may be impacted by this gas works.

Suspension of free peak pre-9am travel for Older Persons Freedom Pass

Transport for London (TfL) has set out details of the temporary changes affecting users of the Older Person’s Freedom Pass in London as part of the response to the pandemic.

From Monday 15 June older persons Freedom Pass will not be accepted in the morning peak (between 04:30 and 09:00).

Please remember the following before planning a journey:
• Changes are in accordance with the funding and finance agreement between TfL and Government and will help conserve space on public transport for people who have to use it to return to work
• Older Person’s Freedom Pass and 60+ card remain valid after 09:00 on weekdays and at all times at weekends
Disabled Freedom Pass holders are unaffected and will still be able to travel at all times using their pass
All passengers are reminded to only use public transport if absolutely essential and maintain two metres social distancing wherever possible

The temporary changes, to take effect from Monday 15 June, are being introduced as part of the recent funding and finance agreement with Government.

They will mean that all passengers with an Older Person’s Freedom Pass will not be able to use those passes during morning peak hours in order to help support social distancing on the public transport network and help control the Covid-19 virus.

Passengers with a Disabled Person’s Freedom Pass are unaffected and will, as usual, still be able to travel at all times using their Pass if they have to use public transport for their journey.

From Monday 15 June, changes to the ticketing system will mean Freedom Passes are automatically set not to be valid during the morning peak period (04:30 to 09:00) Monday to Friday. They will continue to be valid at all other times on weekdays and all day on weekends and Bank Holidays.

Passengers are being advised, where possible, not to travel immediately after 09:00 to help reduce potential crowding on buses and trains where effective capacity has been hugely reduced as a result of the requirement to observe two-metres social distancing wherever possible.

For more information and to see an updated Freedom Pass map, you can go to the Freedom Pass website, which will be updated when this temporary measure is due to end: