Planning Report – December 2020


Awaiting Decision

Planning Complaints

Additional Matters



189 Shirley Road – Ref: 20/03288/FUL
Alterations, use a House in Multiple Occupation with 6 Bedrooms, provision of associated off-street parking.

We objected to the proposed development on the grounds that:

  • ‘Alterations of the premises for use as a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) with 6 Bedrooms, provision of associated off-street parking’ would result in the loss of‘ family accommodation ’’and therefore should be refused “to protect existing ‘family’ Homes ’in this area;
  • The MORA Post Code Area has already significantly exceeded the ‘Strategic Target Quota’ year-on-year of new homes for 2019 and 2020 in our locality with no additional supporting infrastructure to support this and further increases in residential density;
  • It is very likely that the revised Croydon Local Plan(2021/22) will be amended to show no area of Focussed Intensification in Shirley including the locality of 189 Shirley Road.
  • There is inadequate on-site car parking to prevent over-spill on-street parking in Valley Walk.

MORA Objection Sent: 18th Dec 2020
Consultation Closes: 30th Dec 2020
Target Decision: 28th Jan 2021
• Total Consulted: 7
• Objections: 3
• Supporting: 0

Further developments are in the January 2021 Planning Report.

116 Orchard Way – Ref: 20/05960/FUL
Retention of the Public House on the ground floor and creation of an additional storey with rear extensions and associated alterations to provide 4 flats on the upper floors.

We objected to the proposed development on the grounds that:

  • The applicant has not provided any justification for exceeding the Densities appropriate for the locality which has PTAL of 1a.The proposal has a Residential Density in a suburban setting of 456.14hr/ha which would require a PTAL of 7.42 and a Housing Density of 140.35units/ha in a Suburban setting which would require a PTAL of 6.33.when the available PTAL is just 1a (as shown on the above graph).This is clear proof of overdevelopment for the locality.
  • Flat 2 & 4 have inadequate Built-In Storage and the In-Built Storage for Flat 3 is undefined.
  • The proposal provides NO communal outdoor amenity space as required by Policy DM10.5.
  • There is no allocation of Play Space for the children of occupants of the proposed development as required of Policy DM10 although there are only likely to be 4 children (max) in occupation.
  • There are insufficient car parking spaces allocated for the future occupants of this proposal and on-street parking in the locality is very limited due to access to the local shopping parade and the Pub clientele, There is no legislation to prevent car ownership and thus it is likely that future occupants of this proposed development will require on-street parking provision which will exacerbate local parking stress.
  • Dwellings Approved in the MORA (Post Code Area)i.e. NOT all Shirley North Ward during 2019≈48 which significantly exceeds the maximum yearly average target of 18.29 (i.e. an increase of 162.438%over the target) for the whole of Shirley i.e. Shirley North Ward & Shirley South Ward. Percentage increase= (Increase – Original) ×100. = ((48 –18.29)/18.29) × 100≈ 162.438%
  • The cumulative increase in local population has not seen a complementary increase in any local service provision such as GP Practice support, local improved infrastructure and school places or public Transport infrastructure etc. This level of cumulative increase contributes to local Residents’ total loss of confidence in the Planning Process.
  • The reference to the availability of public access to Glade Wood is not true. There is no public Access to ‘Glade Wood’. The wood is surrounded by properties and there is no access from Littlebrook Close or Lorne Gardens. It is an isolated area of nature.

MORA Objection Sent: 8th Dec 2020
Consultation Closes: 20th Dec 2020
Target Decision: 12th Jan 2021
• Total Consulted: 45
• Objections: 8
• Supporting: 4

Further developments are in the January 2021 Planning Report.


167A Shirley Road – Ref: 20/05358/FUL
Conversion; Use of existing 1st floor flat (C3- residential) as a 6 bedroom HMO with associated parking, refuse and cycle storage.

Permission Refused

Reason(s) for refusal :-

  1. The proposed front gable extensions and rooflights by reason of its scale, form, number and siting would result in dominance and visual clutter in the roof form. It would detract from the character and appearance of the row of terrace units on the parade and would thereby be detrimental to the visual amenity of the street scene, thereby conflicting with Policies SP4.1 and DM10.1 Croydon Local Plan 2018, Policy 7.4 of the London Plan (consolidated with alterations since 2011) and Supplementary Planning Document Note – Suburban Design Guide 2019
  2. The development would result in the permanent net loss of a three bedroom home and the loss of small family unit of less than 130m2 and would thereby conflict with Policy DM1.2 of the Croydon Local Plan 2018 and 3.14 of the London Plan (consolidated with alterations since 2011)
  3. The proposed development fails to set out a clear and holistic strategy for both the existing commercial units (which appear to be impacted by the proposed development) and proposed residential units in terms of servicing of existing commercial units, commercial and residential parking and refuse provision, and residential cycle provision. The proposed development as such has the potential to adversely impact the operation of the highway, would fail to promote sustainable modes of transport and provide appropriate waste provision. The development therefore conflicts with Policies 6.9 and 6.13 of the London Plan (consolidated with alterations since 2011), Policies SP4, DM 14 and DM30 of the 2018 Croydon Local Plan and the Council’s 2019 Supplementary Planning Document – Suburban Design Guide.

Consultation Closes: 13th Nov 2020
Target Decision: 11th Dec 2020
• Total Consulted: 28
• Objections: 0
• Supporting: 0
Permission Refused: 11th Dec 2020

167A Shirley Road – Ref: 20/05380/FUL
Alterations; construction of front gable roof extension, erection of dormer extension in the rear roofslope and installation of rooflights in the front roofslope. Conversion of the existing first floor flat to create 4 self-contained flats (1 two bedroom, 1 one bedroom and 2 studios) with associated parking, refuse and cycle storage.

Permission Refused

Reason(s) for refusal :-

  1. The proposed front gable extensions and rooflights by reason of its scale, form, number and siting would result in dominance and visual clutter in the roof form. It would detract from the character and appearance of the row of terrace units on the parade and would thereby be detrimental to the visual amenity of the street scene, thereby conflicting with Policies SP4.1 and DM10.1 Croydon Local Plan 2018, Policy 7.4 of the London Plan (consolidated with alterations since 2011) and Supplementary Planning Document Note – Suburban Design Guide 2019
  2. The development would result in the permanent net loss of a three bedroom home and the loss of small family unit of less than 130m2 and would thereby conflict with Policy DM1.2 of the Croydon Local Plan 2018 and 3.14 of the London Plan (consolidated with alterations since 2011)
  3. The proposed development fails to set out a clear and holistic strategy for both the existing commercial units (which appear to be impacted by the proposed development) and proposed residential units in terms of servicing of existing commercial units, commercial and residential parking and refuse provision, and residential cycle provision. The proposed development as such has the potential to adversely impact the operation of the highway, would fail to promote sustainable modes of transport and provide appropriate waste provision. The development therefore conflicts with Policies 6.9 and 6.13 of the London Plan (consolidated with alterations since 2011), Policies SP4, DM 14 and DM30 of the 2018 Croydon Local Plan and the Council’s 2019 Supplementary Planning Document – Suburban Design Guide.

Consultation Closes: 13th Nov 2020
Target Decision: 11th Dec 2020
• Total Consulted: 27
• Objections: 2
• Supporting: 0
Permission Refused: 11th Dec 2020

Awaiting Decision

Sandrock Pub – Ref: 20/02136/FUL
Two storey side and rear extension to The Sandrock Public House to provide an enlarged service (including front seating area) to the existing pub (A4 Use Class) and conversion of the upper floors including extension to form 4 flats (2×2 bed, 2×1 bed) and construction of a three storey building to the rear comprising 15 flats (8×3 bed, 3×2 bed, 4×1 bed); hard and soft landscaping; communal/amenity/play space; car parking between the two buildings; new crossover along Sandrock Place; boundary treatment and refuse and cycle provision.

We object to this development on the grounds that:

The proposal is an over-development for the area. The Residential Density is excessively high which would require a PTAL of 5 when the actual PTAL is just 2. The densities for this location at PTAL 2 at such a high percentage increases are NOT justifiable and compromise the London Plan Policy 3.4 – Optimising Housing Potential and should therefore be resisted – that is Refused.

The proposed development’s massing and height do not reflect the local character and forms of the surrounding locality.

The proposed development does not comply fully with minimum spaces standards for new dwellings or fully comply with the required amenity space standards.

There is no usable communal open space for the future occupants of the proposed development and there is no provision of children’s play spaces for children of the future occupants of the development.

The development is within the grounds of an existing building and is most definitely NOT subservient in terms of height and massing and therefore is non-compliant to the Croydon Plan Design and Character policies of DM10. In addition, the host building does not retain any garden after partitioning and is non-compliant to Policy DM10.4 e)

This proposal has insufficient car parking space and will result in overspill on street parking in the surrounding streets which will cause significant problems to adjacent existing residents.

There would be major overlooking and invasion of privacy to the occupants of number 6 Sandpits Road and 1A Sandrock Place private outdoor space and therefore does result in direct overlooking and should be refused.

MORA Objection Sent: 15th Jul 2020
Consultation Closes: 16th Jul 2020
Target Decision: 2nd Sep 2020
• Total Consulted: 48
• Objections: 122
• Supporting: 0

Further developments are in the January 2021 Planning Report.

Orchard Park High School – Ref: 19/04183/FUL
Single storey rear extension, conversion to community gym including external alterations and access arrangements

Design & Access Statement
8.0 Conclusion

  • The opportunity to implement this scheme would utilise an existing building.
  • We believe the conversion to the existing facility will offer fitness to a wider customer base and prove an asset to the area.
  • The change of use for Use Class D2.
  • The proposal will create a range of full-time part time and self-employment opportunities within the local economy.
  • The proposed scheme will involve a large invest by the applicant and will provide a high-quality facility. The facility will offer fitness to a wider customer base and prove a long-term asset to the area.
  • Taking all the above into consideration, we believe the proposal brings into use a vacant building, in a suitable location and satisfies planning policy.

Consultation Closes: 16th Oct 2019
Target Decision: 8th Nov 2019
• Total Consulted: 72
• Objections: 0
• Supporting: 2

Further developments are in the January 2021 Planning Report.

Land R/O The Shirley Inn Public House 158 Wickham Road Croydon: 19/03279/FUL
Erection of a residential development of two detached three storey buildings comprising a total of 6 flats (2×1 bed, 2×2 bed, 2×3 bed), provision of refuse and cycle storage, hard and soft landscaping and provision of two parking spaces.

The proposed development is outside the MORA area but in the Shirley North Ward. The application is in the Spring Park Residents’ Association (SPRA) Area, but we are in support in objecting to this development.

The proposed development fails to meet the objectives of London Plan Policy 3.4 – Optimising Housing Potential Table 3.2 in relation to an Excessive Residential Density of 459.77 hr/ha requiring a local PTAL of 5.031 when the local PTAL is actually only 3 and forecast to remain at PTAL 3 until 2031.

There is no allocated play space for children of the future occupants of this proposed development.

The development has inadequate parking provision in an Urban Shopping Locality of PTAL 3 of only two Parking Bays when the current London Plan Policy 6.13 requires up to 1.5 space at PTAL 3 and Residential Density of 459.77hr/ha & Housing Density of 114.94 units/ha which equates to 9 Parking Bays for 6 dwellings.

This proposed development also does not meet the Croydon Local Plan Policy DM10.1 in that development in the grounds of an existing building which is retained shall be subservient to that building. It also fails to meet the objectives of Policy DM10.9 a) & b) in that the proposed development does NOT respect or enhance the local character specifically the architecture of the host Shirley Inn and Public House.

We object to this proposed development on grounds of direct overlooking into gardens and properties of Barmouth Road.

On 16th Jul 2020,  21st Jul 2020,  2nd Aug 2020 & 17th Aug 2020 amended drawings were uploaded to the online register.

MORA Objection Sent: 2nd Aug 2019
Consultation Closed: 11th Aug 2019
Target Decision: 6th Sep 2019
• Total Consulted: 45
• Objections: 69
• Supporting: 0
Councillor referral: Councillor Sue Bennett (15th Aug 2019)

Further developments are in the January 2021 Planning Report.

67 Orchard Avenue – Ref: APP/L5240/W/20/3260388
Alterations including demolition of existing garage; erection of a two storey side extension, a two storey rear extension, a loft conversion with roof lights in the front roof slope and dormers in the rear roof slope, the construction of balconies at first floor and second floor level, the construction of rear basement with terrace area and external staircase. The conversion of single dwelling into 6 flats; provision of car parking, refuse and recycling store, soft landscaping and new vehicular access onto Woodland Way.

  • The Residential & Housing Densities are too high for a PTAL of 1b which should be in the Residential Density range 150 to 200hr/ha and Housing Density range 40 to 65 units/ha which is a clear indication of overdevelopment for the locality.
  • The proposal fails to fully meet “Minimum Accommodation Standards” as defined by the current adopted and emerging London Plan Policies which, if the proposal were to be approved, would be extremely detrimental for future occupiers, for the life of the development.
  • Failure to provide any Open Private Amenity Space or to identify “exceptional circumstances” why Private Open Space cannot be provided to meet the Private Open Space requirement which requires an increase in the allocation of Gross Internal Area (GIA) to compensate in (“exceptional circumstances”) for lack of Private Amenity Space as defined by the Croydon Plan Policy DM10 paragraph 6.76.
  • Failure to meet the minimum required “built-In” Storage requirement as defined by the adopted London Plan Policy 3.5 Table 3.3 or the emerging London Plan Policy D4 Housing quality and standards for the life of the development.
  • The Allocation of Play Space for children at 8m2 for the likely 4 children of the occupants of this proposal would require 40m2 and as such the 8m2 is inadequate.

Permission Refused

Reason(s) for refusal :-

  1. By reason of its design the materials on the first floor and second floor balconies would dominate and detract from the appearance of the existing building and be detrimental to the visual amenities of the street scene thereby conflict with Policies SP4.1 DM10.1, DM10.7 of The Croydon Local Plan 2018, Policies 3.5, 7.4 and 7.6 of the London Plan (consolidated with alterations since 2011) and Section 4.21 of the Suburban Design Guide SPD (2019).
  2. The proposed development would result in poor quality and substandard living accommodation for future residents by virtue of poor quality outlook from the amenity space from flat 1, insufficient private amenity space for flat 2 and flat 3. The development would therefore conflict with Policies SP4, DM10.4, DM10.5 and DM10.6 of the Croydon Local Plan (2018) and policy 3.5 of the London Plan and the London Housing SPG.
  3. The proposed development, by reason of the removal of informal crossing point and the lack of information in regards to pedestrian and vehicle sightlines, and swept paths to demonstrate the impact is likely to result in a detrimental impact to the highway and pedestrian safety of the area. As such, the proposal would be contrary to Policy 6.13 of the London Plan (2016), Policy T6 of the Draft London Plan, Policies SP8, DM29 and DM30 of the Croydon Local Plan (2018) and the Croydon Suburban Design Guide (2019).

MORA Submission Sent: 2nd Jun 2020
Consultation Closes: 13th Jun 2020
Target Decision: 9th Jul 2020
• Total Consulted: 12
• Objections: 7
• Supporting: 0
Permission Refused: 31st Jul 2020
Appeal Notice: 1st Oct 2020
MORA Representation Sent: 20th Dec 2020

Further developments are in the January 2021 Planning Report.

Planning Complaints

16-18 Ash Tree Close – Ref: 19/04705/FUL
Demolition of the existing dwellings. Erection of 8 x 3-bed semi-detached dwellings with associated access, parking, refuse and cycle stores.

Flyer for download and distribution.

Suggested Reasons for refusal:

  • Over Development Residential Density at close on 300hr/ha for Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) at 1a (should be between 150 to 200hr/ha at PTAL 1a);
  • Over Development Housing Density at close on 60 units/ha at PTAL 1a (should be ≈48 units/ha at PTAL 1a);
  • Densities would require a PTAL of >5 for Residential Density and approaching 3 for Housing Density when the locality has PTAL of 1a (numerically = 0.66);
  • Bed Spaces for 40 new occupants and only 8 car parking spaces;
  • Inappropriate Refuse and Recycling Storage for each dwelling;
  • Access limited width and parking difficult to negotiate ingress and egress.
  • The access would limit the available turning head for existing residents at Ash Tree Close Cul-De-Sac.

On 12th Dec amended drawings were uploaded to the online register.

  • Tracking Plans (Bays 1 – 8)
  • Elevations
  • Roof Plan
  • Roof Space Plan
  • First Floor Plan
  • Ground Floor & Site Plans

Case Officers Report Para 8.7 stated:
“8.7 The proposal results in an increased density on the site by eight additional residential units, all of which would be 3-bed, 5 person units. The scheme exceeds the density matrix (150-200) as set out within the London Plan at approximately 300 habitable rooms per hectare. However, given suburban setting combined with the similar footprint, form and spacing of the proposed dwellings in comparison to the surrounding properties, the acute need for new homes and the fact that the site is very close to the intensification area of Shirley, it is considered an appropriate density for this site.”

Whereas the actual distance to the intensification area of Shirley is approx. 1.5km.

NOTE: We are currently compiling an escalation to the Local Government Ombudsman supported by the consent of local residents.

MORA Objection Sent: 20th Oct 2019
MORA Objection (Amended Drawings) sent: 19th Dec 2019
Consultation Closes: 30th Oct 2019 – Extended to 28th Dec 2019
Target Decision: 27th Nov 2019
• Total Consulted: 72
• Objections: 62
• Supporting: 0
Councillor referrals: Councillor Sue Bennett (31st Oct 2019) and Councillor Richard Chatterjee (5th Nov 2019)
Case Officer Report recommends: Grant Approval
Planning Committee Slot: 27th Feb 2020
Permission Granted: 27th Feb 2020

MORA Stage 1 Complaint (6th Apr 2020) Our Complaint comprises the following issues:

  • What is the justification for ignoring Policy DM10.7 d)., allowing “Gabled” Roof Forms instead of requiring “Hipped” roof forms, sympathetic to the surrounding locality as defined by Policy DM10.7 d)?
  • This development is within 35 metres of the Environment Agency Flood Map of the encroachment of the “Chaffinch Brook” which in the past has resulted in significant flooding downstream (Fairford Avenue & Monks Orchard School) of this locality. Removal of vegetation and covering the area with 8 dwellings will increase the likelihood of local area surface water flooding downstream, including the effects of climate change. What is the justification for this proposed development to be considered “very low risk of surface water flooding”?
  • What is the justification for the case officer ignoring the required guidance of National Planning Policy (NPPF) para 122 – Achieving Appropriate Densities?
  • Each proposal which is shown to be an “overdevelopment” cumulatively contributes to unsustainable Public Transport Accessibility for the locality which is NOT considered by the LPA but which should be according to the Local Plan Policy at paragraph 6.41. The overall effect in Shirley North Ward requires a local PTAL trending to 5.8! Please provide justification why each over-development’s cumulative effect is not considered when contributing to local unsustainable public transport accessibility when evaluating whether a proposal should be approved?
  • Can you provide justification, exactly why it is acceptable for a development of Residential Density at a suburban setting and PTAL of 1a, which should be in the “broad ranges” of 150 to 200hr/ha equating to a TfL Accessibility Level Range of 0 to 2.5, Requires a Residential Density of 299.63hr/ha in the PTAL RANGE OF 4 TO 6 which equates to a TfL Public Transport Accessibility Level requirement of between 21.5 to 30 ? (This requires a 63.73% increase in Residential Density and a 707.58% increase in required PTAL from the appropriate recommended level of 1a (numerically 0.66) to 5.33 which is UNSUSTAINABLE as the PTAL is forecast to remain at 1a until 2031.
  • Can the Case Officer justify why he considers this development is “very close to the intensification area of Shirley” when it has been measured to be approximately 1.5km (≈1 mile) line of sight from the nearest “Focussed Intensification” boundary with the Shirley Centre? What is the Policy definition of “very close”?
  • 6 of the 8 Parking Bays require an “unacceptable manoeuvre” to exit from their bays and then exit in a forward gear into Ash Tree Close when parked in a forward direction, which is 75% of the provided parking bays (i.e. NOT a relatively small number of spaces as quoted by the Transport Team). The Transportation Team consider this arrangement to be “acceptable” but have NOT considered how this complication would be resolved if future owners wanted to erect garden fences to partition their front garden curtilages to define their areas of responsibility for garden maintenance. Also, it is NOT evident whether the drop-kerbs (Condition of approval #5 B & C) run the whole length of the new footpath as the mounting of the footpath required to exit is not necessarily directly opposite an entry point? This action is illegal, under Highways Act Section 27 [3] if there is no drop-kerbs at the point of mounting the footpath. (i.e. Only drop kerbs directly fronting and of limited width for forward gear access into each of the parking bays would be appropriate). Therefore, why was this allowed in breach of the Highways Act and by what justification for 75% of parking spaces (i.e. the majority of parking bays) required to mount the footpath and encroach on the curtilage of another property to exit from 75% of parking Bays?
  • What justification does the Case Officer have for supporting the application proposal with no turning head in the access drive?

(Case Number: CAS-163554-V7D4M9)
Stage 1 Response (30th Apr 2020) from Pete Smith, Head of Development Management.
Stage 2 Complaint (18th May 2020)
Stage 2 Response (15th Jun 2020) from Shifa Mustafa, Executive Director of Place.
Escalation to the Local Government Ombudsman (13th Aug 2020) Case ID Numbers 20 003 522 & 20 008 119.
Local Government Ombudsman Investigation (11th Sep 2020)

Further developments are in the January 2021 Planning Report.

56 Woodmere Avenue – Ref: 19/01352/FUL
Demolition of a single-family dwelling and erection of a 3- storey block containing 2 x 3-bedroom and 7 x 2-bedroom apartments with associated access, 9 parking spaces, cycle storage and refuse store (amended plans and description)

We objected on grounds of over-development and non-compliance to the current adopted London Plan Policy 3.4 Optimising Housing Potential due to excessive Residential Density and excessive Housing Density.

The proposed dwelling does not fully meet the required minimum space standards as required by the current adopted London Plan Policy 3.5, on grounds of inadequate parking provision and non-compliance to the London Plan Policy 6.13 and London Plan Policy 6.11.

We also objected on grounds of non-compliance to Croydon Plan Policy DM10.1 and Para 6.37, and that it does not meet the requirements of Policy DM13 or Council Guidance on Refuse & Recycling for New Developments as published by Croydon Council with regard to Refuse Storage Area Capacity. It is also non-compliant to Policy: Shirley Place Homes para 11.200 & Character, Heritage and Design para 11.202.

On 28th May amended drawings were uploaded to the online register.

  • All Proposed Plans
  • Landscape Maintenance Plan Report
  • Planting Schedule Report
  • Tree Specifications Report
  • Soft Landscaping Plans
  • Hard Landscaping Plans

The main changes are the internal layouts to meet the London Plan Table 3.3 minimum space standards and the addition of two car parking spaces fronting Woodmere Ave.

Planning Committee Agenda Item 6.1 – Thursday 1st August.
Local Resident Richard Chambers spoke on behalf of affected residents.
Decision Deferred on the grounds of architectural design.

Councillor Paul Scott didn’t like the roof form – thought it was ugly so deferred to allow applicant to change to design of the roof and perhaps other aspects. Footprint likely to stay the same.

On 3rd Sep amended plans were uploaded to the online register.

Planning Committee Agenda Item 6.1 – Thursday 24th October 2019.
Local Resident Richard Chambers and Councillor Richard Chatterjee spoke on behalf of affected residents.
Voted 6:3 to Grant Permission.

MORA Objection sent: 8th Apr 2019
MORA Objection (Amended Drawings) sent: 2nd Jun 2019
MORA Objection (Second Amended Drawings) sent: 17th Sep 2019
MORA Objection Addendum (Second Amended Drawings) sent: 20th Sep 2019
Consultation Closes: 18th Apr 2019 – Extended to 20th Jun 2019 – Extended to 25th Sep (Amended Plans and Description)
Target Decision: 15th May 2019
• Total Consulted: 38
• Objections: 31
• Supporting: 0
Councillor referral: Councillor Richard Chatterjee (23rd Apr 2019)
Case Officer Report recommends: Grant Approval
Planning Committee Slot: 1st Aug 2019
Decision Deferred: 1st Aug 2019
Deferred Planning Committee: 24th Oct 2019
Permission Granted: 24th Oct 2019

MORA Stage 1 Complaint (8th Dec 2019) Our Complaint comprises the following issues:
1. Failure to apply the current adopted London Plan Policy 3.4 to Optimise the Housing Potential or the consolidated emerging London Plan Policy D1A – Infrastructure requirements for sustainable densities, in accordance with the Policy on Residential and Housing Density appropriate for the available or forecast Public Transport Accessibility for the locality at a ‘suburban’ setting and at PTAL of 1a, as required by NPPF (2018/19) para 122 – Achieving Appropriate Densities.
2. Failure to consider the overbearing nature of the proposed development with regard to loss of amenity to the adjacent property at 54 Woodmere Avenue as defined by Policy SPD2 Figure 2.11c: Height of projection beyond the rear of neighbouring properties to be no greater than 45° degrees as measured vertically from the middle of the ground floor window of the closest habitable room on the rear elevation of the neighbouring property should NOT intersect the proposed development.
3. Failure to adequately consider the loss of natural light due to the closeness and overbearing nature of the proposed development on the living conditions of the occupiers of 54 Woodmere Avenue and failure to acknowledge and correct the errors in the applicant’s daylight study report.
4. Overbearing massing of proposed development in relation to surrounding properties.
5. Infraction of Planning Policies on grounds that it is more imperative to meet housing targets than to countenance and implement adopted Planning Policies. (Case Number: CAS-123091-Y3J7R2)
Stage 1 Response (18th Dec 2019) from Pete Smith, Head of Development Management.
MORA Stage 2 Complaint (13th Jan 2020)
Stage 2 Response (10th Feb 2020) from Shifa Mustafa, Executive Director of Place.
Escalation to the Local Government Ombudsman (11th Mar 2020) Case ID Number 19 020 965.
Local Government Ombudsman Decision (12th Jun 2020)
MORA Response to Local Government Ombudsman Decision (16th June 2020)
NOTE: Local Government Ombudsman complaint has been re-allocated to another case officer due to a potential conflict of interest.
Local Government Ombudsman Investigation (8th Sep 2020)

56 Woodmere Avenue – Ref: 20/06052/DISC
Details pursuant to the discharge of conditions 7 (landscaping), 9 (SUDs), 10 (playspace), 13 (visibility splays) and 15 (emissions) from planning permission 19/01352/FUL for ‘Demolition of a single-family dwelling and erection of a 3- storey block containing 2 x 3-bedroom and 7 x 2-bedroom apartments with associated access, 9 parking spaces, cycle storage and refuse store’

Although this application (Ref: 20/06052/DISC) is NOT identified for public consultation, we would like to place on record our concerns relating to the applicant’s request for approval of Condition 9 (SuDS) with reference to our objections and the Case officer’s report and the AMBI≡NTAL Report on Surface Water Management.

MORA Comment sent: 9th Dec 2020

Further developments are in the January 2021 Planning Report.

Additional Matters

Croydon Local Plan Review – Update Autumn 2020

Croydon Council is updating the Croydon Local Plan (adopted 2018).  The review will update the vision and strategy for Croydon’s growth up to 2039 and set out how the council will continue to deliver much-needed new homes, jobs and community facilities.

The first stage of the review was to gain feedback from the community, referred to as the Issues and Options consultation. This took place between November 2019 and January 2020.  We would like to thank everyone who participated in an event and/or shared feedback. All representations made during the consultation period were reviewed and will be used to shape the draft Local Plan Review.

Next steps

The draft Local Plan review (regulation 19) is the next stage where a single option will be presented which was influenced by what we heard during the Issues and Options consultation, further evidence and the sustainability appraisal process. This was programmed to happen in late 2020. However, due to the council’s financial situation, the Local Plan review has been paused and work on it will not resume until April 2021.

Consultation on the draft Local Plan review (regulation 19) is anticipated to take place from June-July 2021. 

The Local Plan review will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination early in October 2021. It is still anticipated that it will be adopted in 2022 but not until later in that year.

For a detailed timetable please refer to the Local Development Scheme page

The Local Plan Review

The London Borough of Croydon is committed to reviewing the Local Plan to ensure that much-needed new homes, jobs and community facilities are delivered and indeed the Local Plan is a statutory process so it is required.

Further developments are in the May 2021 Planning Report.

Case Officer Reports publication procedure – Full Planning Committee/ Delegate Planning Committee

MORA has formally raised the attached Planning Procedural anomaly with Nicola Townsend – Head of Development Management and requested whether this anomaly could be discussed at a suitable meeting of the ‘Constitution Review’ or ‘Scrutiny Committee’ and either a logical response provided or whether a recommendation for changes to the procedure could or should be considered.

This is on the grounds of the Localism Act – CHAPTER 2 – COMMUNITY RIGHT TO CHALLENGE. Section 81- Duty to consider expression of interest sub para (6)

Supporting this enquiry, we would point out that recent case officers reports resulting in approvals by the delegate committee have not all been made available on the relevant pages on the on-line register unless challenged by MORA.

195 Shirley Road
Ref: 20/02405/FUL | Demolition of existing dwelling. Erection of 3 storey building (with roof-space accommodation) comprising 9 residential apartments with associated vehicle/cycle parking, amenity space and waste stores. | No Report.

(Note -subsequently added after representations made and after a decision had been Published).

110 The Glade.
Ref:20/02926/LP | Erection of outbuilding | No Report.

11 Orchard Avenue.
Ref: 20/01578/FUL | Provision of an additional storey to convert the existing single family house into two flats| No Report.

1 Woodmere Avenue.
Ref: 20/02804/HSE | Demolition of garage, erection of single storey side and rear extension, associated alterations. | Croydon CR0 7PG | No Report

The Delegate Committee’s decision-making process requires members to be aware of the assessment by the Case Officer of the reasons for the recommendation including a summary of any objectors comments for debate, as is required for the Full Planning Committee. This procedure is based on the reasoning that members of the delegate committee cannot spend a great deal of time making their own individual assessments of a development proposal, and as such there MUST be a case officer’s report to provide this information to the delegate members (officers) of the meeting for scrutiny and debate before a determination is agreed. (See para 5.1 of the Planning Constitution part 4k above).

Thus, publication of the Case Officers Report should be available for public scrutiny prior to the ‘Delegate Committee’ meeting (Governance Recommendation 9), and an opportunity for additional comment to be provided prior to a determination if substantive reason is found in the report, as is afforded to applications determination by the full Planning Committee..

London Plan Guidance Documents – Consultation runs until 15 Jan 2020

The Greater London Authority are now formally consulting on five new guidance documents which will support the new London Plan, once published. The consultation runs until 15 January 2021. We invite you to take part in the surveys and contribute at a series of events.  More detail on events are included in the website links below and can be found at

Good Quality Homes for All Londoners

The draft guidance is a suite of documents that provides guidance on ensuring land is used in the best way to deliver the right quantity of new housing, at the right quality, in the right place, embedding high-quality design at the centre of housing delivery.

You can find more information at:

Public London Charter

The draft guidance set out a number of principles for the management and maintenance of public space that help ensure new public spaces are inclusive places, offering the highest level of public access, and ensuring any rules or restrictions are only those that are essential for the safe management of the space.

You can find more information at:

You can read our representation to the London Plan ‘Good Quality Homes for all Londoners – Modules A, B & C consultation here.

Further developments are in the January 2021 Planning Report.

London Plan Formal Approval
The Mayor has formally approved a new London Plan, the ‘Publication London Plan’. He has also submitted this to the Secretary of State.

This is a new, stand-alone publication version of the Plan. It has been prepared to address the Secretary of State’s (“SoS”) directions of 13 March and 10 December 2020 to the Intend to Publish London Plan. You can read the SoS’s responses here.

This is the final stage for publication of the London Plan. The SoS has 6 weeks from receiving the Publication London Plan in which to respond (or can request a further extension of time). The Mayor can only publish the Plan after the SoS has given his approval.

Once the SoS has given his approval, the Mayor can publish his London Plan by placing statutory notices in newspapers (which will be the Evening Standard and The Gazette) and notifying the relevant interested and statutory parties. On publication, it will become the Spatial Development Plan for London and part of the statutory Development Plan for Greater London.

You can view the new Publication London Plan and other related documents here.

Further developments are in the January 2021 Planning Report.

MORA Planning

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