Save Our Shirley Library – Meeting Friday 24 May 2024

Shirley Library is under threat of closure from Croydon Council.

We need to support this valuable social and community asset and preserve an iconic art deco building.

The library is Shirley’s only social hub available free to all, regardless of age or background.

Users of the library include young people doing Duke of Edinburgh awards, toddlers learning to read, children on holiday doing the Reading Challenge, older people from one of the many retirement homes, young people doing their homework on the computers. It provides:

  • access via the Libraries Consortium to 350 branches, 23 local authorities and access to over 7 million books.
  • support for people preparing for their driving test or citizenship test and for exams in general.
  • computer courses and support with IT problems for many who cannot afford to have a computer at home and offers a space for study and reflection.
  • children’s craft sessions and adult events, such as taster courses on deaf language.
  • advice on many of the social issues that affect people, such as homelessness, domestic violence, unemployment.

There will be a meeting at Shirley Library on Friday 24th May at 1.00pm to discuss our next actions, everyone is welcome.

We need to act now by spreading the word to friends and family.

A group of concerned residents have branded themselves Friends of Shirley Library and have started a movement to save our library.

There is a petition which can be signed in Shirley Library or online

If you want to make contact with the Friends of Shirley Library, please email your name, email address, and telephone number to By so doing, you agree to your details being passed to others similarly interested.

You can also help by emailing our local councillors –